
I reboosted my phone and paid and now it's saying the systems are down on reboosting what do i do now?

by  |  earlier

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i paid my bill i have an unlimited boost mobile account and everytime i call customer service the message says that their experiencing reboosting problems and it says to call back in four hours and it's been two days ... then i tried to get a representative and the phone hung up after putting me on hold for an hour!! it's so frustrating... then i tried to go to the place where i bought it and they told me that it was a problem with the company and it shouldn't last long... what do i do? is anyone else esxperiencing this crappy service? how do i fix my phone service?




  1. Try doing a power cycling ,otherwise call your service provider again and stright away ask the front line rep to get you a supervisor and tell him politely that he would not help you.

    be stubborn until you get some supervisor on the line , ask for his employee id , show that you are quite serious about this and sound a bit irate too

    things would work out from there for you.

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