
I received a check from StormPay Inc.?

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I recieved a check in the mail from a company called StormPay Inc, 1690 Golf Club Ln, Clarksville TN 37043. The check is for $46.99 and drawn off of Legends Bank from the same city and state. I've never bought and sold anything through StormPay (it appears they are kind of like PayPal) When I searched them online I found lots of scam and scandal like things, but I havent heard anyone say they received a completely random check. I have a refrence number, but other than that there is no explanation for what the check is for. I'm sort of afraid to deposit it... anyone heard of this before? Is it a scam?




  1. Sounds like a scam to me.  I wouldn't cash the check.  It may be some new tactic they are trying.  If you cash the check and it comes back fraudulent, you can get charged a fee by your bank and they might put you on a suspicious activity list.

  2. What you need to do is contact the BBB, and 1st-check into the company it is from and get a phone number and name of a manager/owner. Call them and ask about the check. Chances are they will say it is fraudulent, but you will accomplish two things by making this phone call. 1 the person whos buisness this check says its from can keep their name from being tarnished and possibly losing a LOT of money,2 but also can get a watch on where the checks are printed by the FBI. After you get confermation that it is indeed a fraud/scam, turn the letter and check over to the police. It will help catch these scammers and kept innocent people like yourself from being scammed in the future.

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