
I received a selective service letter and I'm the only son in the family, what can i do?

by Guest63711  |  earlier

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Do i still have to go if there were to be a draft?




  1. Nothing. First, threre isn't going to be a draft. Secondly, if there ever was, you'd be obligated to serve if you were called-- that only son thing is simply a myth. You can check it out on

  2. i love being canadian  we dont got to do **** come up north n enjoy the simple life

  3. Sign up / Yes you will have to go if there is ever a draft.


    @dded : If you don't register you can and will be denied college loan / financial aid

  4. Yes you have to register and yes you are eligible for the draft if one is ever started.  The exception is sole surviving which means if you are the last male in the family and the others were dies in service then you would be exempt; the key is you had to have had a brother killed in service or your father and no other brothers.  Dying in anything besides federal service (accidents, heart attacks, murdered, suicide and so on don't count).

  5. just go register.  there's no draft now. and when the tanks come rolling down your street, it won't matter much

  6. Register!  If a draft is enacted you can always run to Canada like other cowards.  I hope your parents enjoy the freedoms that other people's children will GIVE them with THEIR blood.

  7. If you are a proud american and truly believe in what your country stands for: you will go sign for the draft. Because as an American it is your duty.  I did!

  8. Everyone gets one of those. Even if you are the only son, you still have to register. Its the law.

  9. Contrary to popular belief, "only sons," "the last son to carry the family name," and "sole surviving sons" must register and they can be drafted.  However, they may be entitled to a peacetime deferment if there is a military death in the immediate family.  Found it on a simple search.

  10. You can get a s*x change operation.  Women don't have to do squat - unless they choose to.  I guess this is what they mean by pro-choice.

  11. There isn't a draft going on. Why don't you join voluntarily and avoid the stress.

  12. All males have to sign in with selective service.  It has nothing to do with being the only son.  It's a matter of national security.

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