
I received a speeding ticket in IL for 16 mph over. It is my first offense. Will my insurance rates go up?

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I was going 46 in a 30. I've never gotten a ticket before. My insurance provider is Auto-Owner's Insurance (Michigan) through A Fazio Inc. in Joliet, IL. I didn't get the option of completing driving school or an online driving course, just to pay the ticket or contest it in court in three weeks.




  1. If you are found guilty or if you just pay the fine you can assume that you rates will go up but it's not automatic.

    but you should not pay the fine, that's what they want and it's too easy.

    go to the courthouse and see the clerk, you can plead not guilty without having to wait for the trial date.

    when the day comes you may be given the option to plead guilty to a non moving violation.

    this would not get reported to your insurance company, this would be worth your time and effort.

    you should never just pay the fine because they have a million to one chance that your case might get dismissed, if the officer doesn't show up. Clearly this probably won't happen but if you just pay the fine you have no chance at all.

  2. Always go to court.  Usually you can plea it down, or get the option to take a driving course instead of points on your license.

  3. Yes, it will go up.

    You can easily check how your quotes will change in internet, for example here:

  4. yes it will go up a little bit,i got one once for about the same speed and mine went up 55 bucks for every six months,so id expect it to go up some,they keep it on their for about 2 years then they will drop it back off,but it will go up some,good luck.


  6. Hers what you do.  I just did it here in NV and it worked for me.  Contest the ticket.  Go to the plea and arraingment hearing and plead not guilty.  They will schedule a court date for the future.  When you go that court date, the DA's office will plea bargain the ticket down to a parking ticket instead of a moving violation and they will offer you a deal.  You still have to pay a fine but I only had to pay $60.00 for speeding  andit was reduced to a parking violation.  Good Luck.

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