
I received a summons yesterday for an unpaid debt. What are my options?

by  |  earlier

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Also, the summons was given to my spouse and not me. His name was not on this loan and he new nothing about it. Does that make a difference?




  1. what kind of summons did you get?

    You can pay it, or not, they can get the court to put a judgement against you, then the Sherriff will then come and take some of your stuff to pay off the loan.

  2. Options:

    1) Show up at the appointed time and day;

    2) Call the person/company you owe and make arrangement sto pay the debt and avoid a court date;

    3) Don't call and don't show up, get bench warrant issued, go to jail.

  3. You should answer the summons.

  4. You'd  better get this straightened out. Forget about who it was given to. If you took the loan, you'll have to pay back. Contact them and clear that out.

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