
I received a suspension notice because my insurance company failed to provide proof of ins. What should I do ?

by  |  earlier

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My car licence will be suspended tommorow ( on 22nd ) if state farm doesn't provide proof insurance . I can't seem to find a fax no. for new york DMV ( I MOVED FROM NEW YORK TO TEXAS few months ago )

I am stressed out cuz of many problems. What shall I do ?

I can't get a fax no. which I can give the state farm people to send the info to DMV NY office. They didn't do it !!

If I don't do this what can happen ? and How can I resolve this ?




  1. OK, State FArm doesn't need a fax number, and NY DMV won't accept a fax.

    The State FArm agent needs to go to the NY DMV website.  There's a place for agents.  The agent can log in and type in your insurance info, but NY ONLY accepts the magnetic tape uploads.  That login will buy you 20 days of time, for State Farm to re-upload your information.  Most insurance companies upload once a week, but your agent will have to tweak their system, to upload the car.  Make sure they have the right VIN for your car, in their system.

    The PROBLEM is, NY won't accept TX insurance.  So, theoretically, you switched your plates over from NY to TX a few months ago, and never returned the plates to the NY DMV.  You need to mail the plates back to the NY DMV, along with a TX insurance card, from when you switched over.

    And if I didn't make enough guesses, your agent will have to do the legwork, and ask the questions, and get this solved for you.

  2. The NYS DMV doesn't accept paper (mailed or faxed) proof of insurance.  They require all companies writing policies in NYS to submit proof electronically.  Did you cancel your NY insurance before you turned in your NYS plates?  if so, the NYSDMV was made aware of the cancellation & thinks you don't have insurance since a TX company will not have the ability to verify it electronically.  They probably don't even know about the reporting requirement.  Turn in your NYS plates pronto and get a TX license and plates.  The NYSDMV website has the address where you should send them, and include your new TX address to the NYSDMV can send you proof of plate surrender.  Also call the NYSDMV and ask them how you should submit proof of TX insurance to them.  They may not accept out of state proof of insurance and if this is the case they will charge you an $8 a day fine for the number of days you had NYS plates with TX insurance.  Don't blow this off because if you come back to NYS & have to get a car registered again this will have to be taken care of before you can register another car.  Since you're in suspension this had been going on for more than 30 days (probably closer to 60) and you are probably now in violation of Texas law for living there without TX registration and license.  Most states require you to change those over within 30 days, sometimes sooner.  I know dealing with this is a pain but the longer you let it go the worse it will get.

  3. If you moved to Texas, you must register the vehicle there and modify your insurance.  Why are you still messing with NY?

  4. You left something out here. You are either on SR22 or you got

    a ticket and failed to go to court and show proof in insurance.

    If you actually had insurance you can go to any State Farm agent

    and get the information you need. Actually now that I think about it

    State Farm does not do SR22, so this is all your fault, who are

    you trying to kid.

  5. Why don't you have proof of insurance on your car? You are legally required to have that in your car at all times. If you are pulled over and can't show proof of insurance, you'll be in a mess!

    So are you saying you don't have a copy of your proof of insurance and you are trying to get ahold of state farm so they can re-send you a copy? Do you have a financial statement (cancelled check, receipt) from state farm saying that you have paid and are currently insured with them? I may be wrong, but I don't think its state farm's job to fax your proof to the DMV. They should send you a copy of it and then you can fax it to them. But yes, your license will be suspended if you don't have proof of insurance. The only way to resolve it is to get state farm to send you a new proof of insurance and then you will fax it to the DMV. Your license will be suspended until this happens. You may get lucky and state farm will send it, but I highly doubt it. And if they say they will, they sure won't be in any hurry like you would if you did it yourself. You may just have to wait for them to send you a new one in the mail. I would suggest not driving until you get it AND get it sent in to the DMV. You'll get in a lot of legal trouble with no proof of insurance and driving with a suspended license. That is, unless you like to spend time in jail. (which I highly doubt :-) Good luck

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