
I received a text message stating that pepsi max and coke light are cancerous, is it true?

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I received a text message stating that pepsi max and coke light are cancerous, is it true?




  1. Typical internet hoax- now spreading to text messages. People are so gullbile. If a product was found to have health risks- the media would be all over it. This one though, has been around in some form for almost 10 years. See this article:

  2. Most artificial sweeteners have been shown in lab tests to cause cancer.  Keep in mind that in those tests, dose rates were well over a thousand times the amount of chemical that would actually be consumed, so the data isn't really that great.  You're still safer drinking Diet Coke than going outside without sunscreen; the risk is almost non existant.

  3. Any diet soda is really bad. All kinds of dangerous ingredients are in it.

  4. yes its, not jsut those but all diet drinks are. so if you think that they aer better for you to drink than normal drinks then you're wrong they're just as bad.

  5. I dont think it's true. I drink it almost everyday.

  6. Almost all artificial sweeteners have been rumored to cause some sort of health risk.  I know for me that if I drink Diet drinks or anything with asparatame (NutraSweet), I get severe headaches that last for days. If I stay away from them, I'm fine.  This condition is common for almost all of my family members as well.

    Knowing this, I believe the rumors are true.  Why risk your life to lose a few calories?  Drink regular when  you have a soda and just exercise the extra calories off.  It's a safer bet.

  7. Lol sorry to say but everything around us is cancerous...from the things we eat to the air we breath. Nothing is made natural anymore...not even babys.

  8. There is some evidence to suggest fizzy drinks can have an effect on breast tissue so in turn can lead to cancerous changes, but if we listened to all the media has to say about food or drink we wouldn't eat is too short to not enjoy the occasional coke or Pepsi

  9. Everything gives u cancer now a days

  10. I heard that Coca Cola is making people suffer in India by taking their water away.

  11. i heard the same thing.but idk if its true

  12. Probably. All that stuff they put in there to make up taste when they take out the sugars is worse in my opinion.

  13. i hope not....

  14. Absolutely

  15. no **** it is einstine, oh what you thought you were getting radiation and cancer and drug free food and water?

  16. i hope not :/ but i have heard that. oh well, apparently basically everything is cancerous these days.

  17. I doubt it. The brand is too big- if this was a problem I think they would be working on sorting it out quickly. I guess their reasoning could be that everything should be done in moderation, and naturally if you drunk an excessive amount then it could be harmful! I hope it's not true, I drink loads of Pepsi Max, and the only thing to suffer is my teeth so far!!

  18. Some of the chemicals added to those drinks have been found to cause cancer in small animals when administered in massive doses over a period of time.

  19. I hate to tell you this... but EVERYTHING is cancerous.

    It just depends on whether or not you live long enough to figure out which ones are more likely to cause it.

  20. yep  addetive called aspertine

  21. How can a fizzy drink make you get cancer?

    Of couse it is not true!



  22. i;m sorry but everything causes cancer... drinking to much water even does.... stupid eh?  but cancer is in everyones body all the time... it's when it's get out of control and tumors thats when it's deadly.  thats why there isnt a cancer test,,, they test your white blood cell count!  good luck  BTW bras cause cancer too lmao

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