
I received an email from Liverpool ,London stating I was the beneficiary of a will.?

by  |  earlier

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How would I find out if this is real or a scam.




  1. Its a fookin spam mate, not worth even to look at.


  2. Sounds like they're phishing. Dump it. If there's a real "will", they "won't" contact you by email. How would they get your address?

  3. It's a defo scam. You would NEVER be contacted this way. Look at the reply email add, I bet it's a free one from hotmail, gmail or similar?.

    take a look at, look on the left side bar under Investigations, then click on Fraudulent emails and you will see hundreds of ones like it.

    the best thing to do is ignore them and delete them immediately. NEVER reply to them now matter how good they sound. They always want money in some form. If they don't get your money it will be the theft of your I.D.

  4. If you were the true beneficiary, you would NOT be contacted by email!!!

    It is a scam!!!

    Let me guess, they want you to send them some money first, before they can release your money?? Don't be so gullible!

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