
I received an email from the Australian Lottery that I just won a $1,000,000 is it true or a spam?

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I received an email from the Australian Lottery that I just won a $1,000,000 is it true or a spam?




  1. SPAM!! Do not open it or respond or whatever. They are out to steal money or worse, your identity. Identity theft is the worst.

  2. Spam. If you phoned the Lottery they would laugh out loud. It is just a trick to get your identity info and to verify that they have a valid email addresses to sell to the other spammers.

  3. SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Luncheon meat

  5. i got that also. DELETE  spam......

  6. spam spam spam 'o' spam spammed spammedy spam on a stick.

  7. it is a lie!

  8. Spam... hun.. sorry

  9. I'd call the local lottery department.  It could be a virus so I wouldn't open it.  If you have and they are asking for any personal info DO NOT GIVE IT.  If you truely won the lottery they have you go into an office to fill out paper work.

  10. Sounds spammy to me.

  11. SPAM

  12. spam...

    to make surego to google and google the name of the company and the sender... then u will know wat i mean

  13. SPam or SCam.  Delete it and forget it.  Sorry:(

  14. u can't win something you didn't enter

  15. want to make extra pocket money?

    Go to go there and sign up they will ask you to complete surveys and they will pay you for your time this is not a scam i have already made 425$ from it..i would love to answer any questions regarding to this just IM

  16. YOU WON! and may I be the first to congratulate you. What a wonderful feeling it must be to have won. Share you thoughts with us. What will be the first thing you plan on buying with your win fall? Perhaps shoes? Come on share.... we  all want to know.

  17. dude,its spam....see key word is lottery now...if u pick numbers for the Australian lottery then mabe but still what lottery is that high plus how many lotteries do u know that know your e-mail address....there isn't any it is all don on paper through a system so defiantly a FAKE!!!!

  18. It's spam.  That is, unless you remember entering such a lottery?

    P.S.  We heard you the first time.

  19. Unless you played the Australian lottery, you should consider it spam.

  20. i think its a spam,  but u should still take a look at it, u never know it might just be true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=)

  21. it's true congratulations you are a rich man!!!!come' on are you a kid?

  22. did you enter the Australian lottery? That's how I feel.. If I didn't enter, I didn't win...

  23. spam  spam  spam  spam  spam  spam  spam  spam SPAM WONDERFUL SPAM (Monty Python)

  24. spam. 100%

  25. Congratulations on your Most Gullable 2006 Award. I'll be sending you a 24 karat gold trophy by mail.

  26. it is a spam. you have not won nothing, they are saying that to get your money. So what ever you do, do not give or sent your money to that company that claim you have won the million dollars. Their is too many of them spreading around. so Take my word for it. do not response to that.  I have talk with the FBI about this and he said those are scam and just delete them or anything that is asking for the money.

  27. absolutely a SPAM just delete it cus they send you spywares instead ;)

  28. this is 100% scam.  they probably are going to send you a large check for you to deposit and pay a large tax fee.  once you send them the money for the taxes the check you origionally deposited will bounce and you will be out the money you sent to them.


  30. Crikey its a croc, mate! Feed it to the sharks!

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