
I received no responses before. :^( Which of the following three girls' names is best and why, please?

by Guest62759  |  earlier

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- Ivanna (ee-VAH-nah) June

- Talia (TAHL-yah) June

- Avani (ah-VAH-nee) June

Sometimes saying the name aloud makes all the difference... Which name is prettiest? Thank you so much; really. :^]




  1. Avani (ah-VAH-nee) June is good

  2. Ivanna June is cute.

    I like

    Morgan June

    June Elise

  3. Talia and Avani are very nice names, but i dont really know about the June part with those names... as one other person commented, June Elisse is a nice name

  4. I love the name Talia, and Ivanna is cute as well, but it dont like the spelling, maybe Evahnah ?

  5. I like Talia the best =D but the other 2 are pretty as well. I also like the name Amani (ah-mah-nee) (un-mah-nee)

    Your welcome and hope I helped!! =] xo

    (Why did no-one answer? It's a prefectly normal question?)

  6. Ivanna sounds really nice.

  7. Omg those are gorgeous names!

    I like Talia & Avani the best. But out of the two of them i would pick Talia - because i think its more feminine & pretty.

    Good luck btw



  8. Talia (TAHL-yah) June

    i like this best because its unique and i can actually say it

  9. Talia June great name and unique

  10. Talia June is very pretty.

  11. Ivanna June

  12. I LOVE Avani June, its sounds beautiful and exotic. Def. go with that!

  13. I was already all set with the name Talia for my unborn child, till I found out it was a boy!!

    So I vote for Talia, because it is the best!

  14. Talia June because it sounds exquisite

  15. Ivanna for me, because I'm Russian and Talia means 'waist' in Russian. If you don't think of it that way, then Talia is prettier... Avani doesn't fit with June in my opinion, so Ivanna.  

  16. Talia June  

  17. i like talia  but u pick great names also when i see the name ivanna it reminds me of  London tiptons dog !! But it a really good names!!

  18. I don't much care for the Ivanna or Avani..makes me think about Austin Powers..But I do love the name Talia..its a wonderful and beautiful name...It's not crazy and out there but at the same time its original..Keep Talia..The only other thing I can say is think of another middle name...June is a pretty name don't get me wrong..its just its not nearly as beautiful as Talia..

  19. My favorite by far is Talia. Second favorite is Avani and at a distant third is Ivanna.  

    Ivanna reminds me of Ivanna Trump which is not a great association. Plus I can see "I wanna" teasing in the future with that one.  

  20. Talia June sounds really pretty....

  21. Talia because the other two sound a little bit aristocratic.

  22. I don't like Ivana - makes me think of Ivana Trump or the joke from the Austin Powers Movie where the female Russian spy's name is Ivana Humpalot.

    Talia is pretty because it goes well with June or when you say it on its own. Also when the girl is little Tally could be a cute nickname.  

  23. Talia June

  24. Talia is simply one of the most gorgeous female names I've ever heard, so definitly go with that. Beautiful! =)


  25. TALIA

  26. Ivanna June is really pretty, it sounds like a smart girl who is pretty, I imagine a beautiful young looking girl who is really smart... I hope this helps :)

  27. Ivanna June Is the cutest. But no.2 I would go for is Avani. They are really nice unusual names!:-)

  28. I love Ivanna.. Except I like spelling it Evanna.

    Thats one of my top 5 favorite baby girl names.

    And hey it's VERY rare, seeing as it hasn't been frequently used since 1990.

    Its not even on the top 1000 names used for 1999-2006!

    Its also Russian; meaning "God is Gracious"

    So if your religious, its also a plus :]

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