Attn: Email Owner(Winner),
This office is in receipt of your mail, and the content is well noted. I understand your skepticism as regards the WINNING NOTIFICATION sent to you, and I want to again bring to your humble notice that you are One(1) of the Lucky Winners of the 2008 edition of the BRITISH LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC DRAW, where you won for your self a Lump sum of 1,000,000.00 Pounds Sterling(One Million Pounds Sterling) the Draw was conducted at our International Corporate Office Complex in The United Kingdom.
Be informed that the information included in the mail you receive is true, as you have legally won 1,000,000 Pounds from the British Lottery Draw.
Understand that the category in which you won is different from the regular(MANUAL) draws where participants purchase tickets as eligibility to qualify/win in the draw. The terms in this British Lottery online Draw(BONUS category) applies differently. Be informed that the Email Selection Process w