
I recentally found out that my mom is tracking everyting i do on the computer with eblaster?

by  |  earlier

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what can i do to disable this........ ohhh yeah if ur tracking this question i just asked u have no life mom




  1. lol Go to your control panel if you have windows and click add and remove programs. Then delete it. Eblaster is for parents who have no life. I agree :)

  2. Well HERE'S a thot, u little moron!  

    Keep your NOSE CLEAN and don't get into anything that would HACK HER OFF?

    Let me guess.  MOM paid for the computer, huh?  You wanna do c**p ON THE COMPUTER??


  3. I'm gonna give you a reasonable answer.  The fact is, you live under her roof.  She and your dad pay for your living costs.  It's reasonable for her to have some control over your internet use.  Alot of parents are concerned over their children's internet use.

    If you live on your own and pay for your own living cost, you can do whatever you want, but until then, you have to abide by some of their rules.  Try to live peacefully with your parents and try to have some compromise.  Talk to them in a peaceful manner too.

    I've had many fights with my parents when I was young, and believe me, peace is the best way.

  4. might wanna try an ask her not to do that with pretty please and if she doesnt listen n try to understand which im pretty sure she will u can scan ur comp with anti viruses like avira and super anti spyware hope help

  5. Download a (Linux) Ubuntu Live CD .iso, burn it to a disk, and boot into that instead of Windows. She can't monitor you if you aren't running Windows :) It comes with Firefox and some other programs pre-installed so you're good to go.

    Judging by your other questions, I can see why your mom is trying to monitor you, but if you insist on getting around it, this is a good way to do it.

  6. Found this guide on

    very detailed


  7. I myself would like no one to peep over my secret, not even my mom. Im using a sofeware that can erase all  your IE evidence and protect your system at the same time. Just Try it

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