
I recently accepted that I'm g*y, but don't know how to come out?

by  |  earlier

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What's the best way?




  1. which account is this?

    the good 1 or the bad?

    i swear i cant keep up with you trolls and your split personalities!!!!!

    just put a star in your name so i know you're the good split personality.

  2. Hmm, I don't know q***r's Inc. You seem to know everything. Therefore, why are you asking for help?

    I hope hope my studdering is improving.

  3. we know that already (:

  4. Darling, I KNEW you wanted me!!!  BIG g*y KISSES!!!  :@)

  5. Well, you're gonna need a hamster....

    (Please don't lynch me LGBT, I'm only kidding... besides, you should know me by now. I hope so... God I'm depressed now.)

  6. From what I've heard you cannot come out till you've completed the paperwork and gone through the 'waiting period'...which, in your case, may be quite some time...  I've heard that the committee want's to be sure...positively sure...before they give you your approval...  And you do know there's a 'blackball' process don't you?  Well, get your paperwork in as soon as possilbe...say by 9pm tonight (Sunday)...or, it's an automatic rejection...

  7. The best thing you can do is come out to someone who accepts (or at least strongly tolerates) homosexuality. Don't come out to people you're not sure will accept it, don't come out publicly. Take it one step at a time. Tell people you know won't have a problem with it, and as you build your self esteem with people supporting you, then come out to the less accepting.

  8. there is no right way. when u come out, that in itself will be the right way

  9. I knew it! I knew you were g*y!

    Despite that some of your questions have offended me in the past, I still welcome you with open arms. :)

    Well, hon, here's the thing: coming out is intensely personal, and it's something that everyone must do accordingly to their own comfort level. I would tell your closest friends and family first. Once you have their support, which hopefully you will, it will be much easier to tell the people who may give you flack.

    I really wish you the best of luck.  

  10. Aren't you the same guy that's been bashing g**s on practically every question all day....?

  11. I knew it. Talk to a friend that you know will be tolerant enough to accept you for who you are, Then slowly work your way out. That is of course if your not faking it.

  12. Telegraph?  Message in a bottle?

    I don't think any of us have belief in your questions or your answers.

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