
I recently asked a sensible and genuine question on an ability I have and most people think I lied.?

by  |  earlier

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Why is it that so many people cannot accept that which is not easily explainable..or is it that so many people DO lie? Others thought I should be using this "ability" I have with cards to enrich myself when all I wanted was to get input from sensible people that may know, from a scientific or metaphysical perspective, what could be happening. I have to say it is rather dissapointing and no doubt even this posting will get flippant or derisive answers. Where are all the SERIOUS people please? Thanks...................




  1. Some people use this category as a forum to express their skeptical views.  They assume people are lying or idiots first, and most do not even consider answering the questions that are asked.  Some try to be serious skeptics, but most are not.  They seem to believe this is a good way to spend their time, and they have a right to do that if they want to.

    Regarding the phenomenon with cards, there are numerous possibilities or explanations but it is difficult to answer such a question without first hand experience with the phenomenon.  Some of the possibilities include:

    -  A subconcious shuffling ability.  Magicians can shuffle cards and always put the same card in the same place.  You may be doing something similar without knowing it.

    -  Clairvoyance:  You are able to see which card is in the 21st postition without actually having to look with your eyes.

    -  Telepathy:  Somebody else knows which card is in the 21st position and you are picking up their thoughts.

    -  Precognition:  You know which card will turn up 21st before it happens.  (This is different than clairvoyance because you are actually predicting the future and not seeing the deck as it is currently configured.)

    Another couple of questions come into my mind.

    -  Why is it always the 21st card?  Are you getting a signal or some message related to the number 21?  You have to examine that yourself to find out more.

    -  If you are subconciously shuffling cards to that position, where did you develop this ability and why is it manifesting itself at this time?  There are numerous posibilities for this as well including some skill you developed in a past life or possibly, you are partially chanelling a spirit that is actually shuffling for you.

    Again, these are guesses based on the very little bit of information that you provided.  You need to consider the possibilities yourself and search for an answer.  Perhaps, if you develop some meditation skills, you could "ask" the question and listen for an answer.

    This probably isn't exactly the type of answer that you want, but it is an honest and serious answer that is applicable to the category in which this question was asked.  Good luck!

  2. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.  Your assertion is not proof and skepticism of your claims is not evidence that folks think you ar a liar.

    Here's the bit - most folks in this forum want evidence.  Personal anecdotes do not constitute evidence

  3. Well, Seriously if you are claiming that this is a psychic ability, its hard to believe. I know a few people who could pull this same trick and always be correct. However they are just slight of hand tricks.

    You are really going to have to prove yourself before you are believed.

    Get the medias attention about your claim and then take the randi million dollar challenge.

    you sound very confident, and probably dont have to do any controlled tests of your own to make sure its not just chance.

  4. Just remember that

    With great power comes great responsibility.

  5. Face society to day people have to see something first hand to believe it...which I find amusing when they will blindly believe what ever a politician tells them.

  6. Q:  Why is it that so many people cannot accept that which is not easily explainable..or is it that so many people DO lie?

    A:  Lots of lies fly about on the subject.  You ought to recognize that.

    I answered your question seriously and you emailed me.  It's not clear to me what you want at this point.

  7. tell me more about this please since i missed your first ? i have what i assume would b called clairvoyant empathy (i can feel what other people are feeling immediately after meeting them) and as to why others are so skeptical it is because they fear what they don't understand and they avoid their fear with denial

    peace  love  power of the mind

  8. I'm willing to devise an experimental protocol to test your purported power.  If you successfully do so under mutually agreed-upon conditions, I'll pay you a grand.  If you fail, you pay me a grand.  I'm near Washington DC and will even pay for the cards.

  9. I think I recall your claim.  You said you could shuffle in a way that the same card was always in the 21st place or something like that.  If I recall there were some suggestions on how you could perform tests to validate whether this was a paranormal thing you've been experiencing or merely a "trick" of some sort (i.e. something identically replicated each time due to similar mechanical movements).  I think this is a much more likely explanation than the possibility that you are performing real magic.

  10. Hey man, just forget about trying to explain it to other people or trying to get them interested in your special ability. You know what, it just gonna give you a lot of confusions and headaches. Be happy that you can do strange things sooner or later they will come to ask you and when it do happen that way just act natural. Let them figure out whatever they want to,see ?

  11. One problem is that psychic abilities are rare compared to all the billions of people who don;t have them-- only 12 to  15 per cent of the world's population (690 to 720 million people) are "psychic."

    The other is that the people who don't have these abilities seldom stop to think about them; don't understand that these gifts are biological and can't be just turned on and off like the aliens in Star Trek or Babylon 5 or other science fiction. For most of us psis, our gifts happen  when they want to  happen; getting full conscious control over them is as difficult  as learning to control one's body temperature or blood pressure.  

    When you can't do something when somebody says the usual,

    "Read my mind; tell me what number I'm thinking," or "move that coin with your mind" then people think you're lying. And it's a sad thing that there are so many jokers out there who just love to trick and fool others with bogus claims of ESP. So between our own lack of control and the people who deliberately lie about such gifts, it's no wonder the "norms" don't believe in us.

    On the other hand, it's probably a good thing most people *don't* believe in you. If you are a psi, and people knew what you could do, people would either mistrust you or would want to use you-- maybe both. This has been the case throughout all of human history with people who have unusual talents. "Wild talents."

  12. If you have this ability you should be out there making money out of it .

  13. I was being serious when I said your claims weren't very believable. And I'm serious when I say you need to put this to the test, demonstrate that you have these paranormal superpowers (and not simply doing magic tricks), and then you'll find that a lot more people will take you seriously.

    That's a hard fact about this world. Talk is cheap. If you want people to take you seriously, especially when you are proposing extraordinary claims, you need to back it up.

  14. I didn't see your original question. Could you repeat it please?

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