
I recently asked if my social securit could be garnisheed !?

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I defaulted on my student loans. I know they can't garnishee my VET"S DISABILITY BENEFITS unless they are direct deposited. SO!! i'm wondering if they can garnishee my SOCIAL SECURITY if i apply and stipulate i want a paper check; no direct deposit.

For some reason they can attach my check if it's deposited in my account. But i can cash my check. Leave it in the bank or take the money with me and they can't touch it.

DOES anyone know why they can't touch it if it's not direct deposited? AM I RIGHT ABOUT THIS




  1. ATTN:

       I am Mr Dan Peter,a registered and legitimate private loan lender. I give out loans to Individuals,families,student,Organizatio... Business Men and women that needs financial assistance at the interest rate of 3%. Loan is given out in Pounds, Euro and $US. The MAXIMUM I give is 5,000,000 both in pounds and $US and the MINIMUM is 5,000 pounds and US$ so if you are really interested contact us for more information on how the loan can be transfered to you.

       There is one Question i have to ask i hope you are serious? Because we give out loan to serious minded people and those that we know they can pay us at the stipulated time that was agreed. Loan that is more $10,000,000M can be given to those that falls only on this category.

    Manager of a company

    A private Holder

    A broker in banks

    A director in any office or company

    A high investor of a company

       If you are interested you have to fill this application form below.

    *Applicant full name:......................................

    * Applicant Contact Address:...................................

    * Phone No:........................................

    * Country:...................................

    * Age:.......................................

    * Marital Status:....................................

    * Amount Required As Loan:......................................

    *Proposed Terms/Duration Of Loan:..........................

    *Annual Income:....................................



    Mode of Payment:

    * Payment by bank to bank transfer

    * Payment by bank certified check(courier)


    Fill this for and get back to us so that my loan terms and conditions will be sent to you. If you are interested i need you to get back to us via

    and you will be glad you did!!!

    Best regards,



  2. Section 207 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 407) protects Social Security benefits from assignment, levy, or garnishment. However, the law provides five exceptions:

    Section 459 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 659) allows Social Security benefits to be garnished to enforce child support and/or alimony obligations;

    Section 6334 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 6334 (c)) allows benefits to be levied to collect unpaid Federal taxes;

    Section 3402 (P) of the Internal Revenue Code allows beneficiaries to elect to have a percentage of their benefits withheld and paid to the Internal Revenue Service to satisfy their Federal income tax liability for the current year;

    The Debt Collection Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-134) allows benefits to be withheld and paid to another Federal agency to pay a non-tax debt the beneficiary owes to that agency: and

    The Tax Payer Relief Act of 1997 (Public Law 105-34) authorizes the Internal Revenue Service to collect overdue federal tax debts of beneficiaries by levying up to 15 percent of each monthly payment until the debt is paid.

    The Social Security Administration's responsibility for protecting benefits against legal process and assignment usually ends when the beneficiary is paid. However, once paid, benefits continue to be protected under section 207 of the Act as long as they are identifiable as Social Security benefits using normal banking practices. For example, only social security benefits are deposited into a particular bank account.

    If a creditor tries to garnish your social security check, inform them that unless one of the five exceptions apply, your benefits can not be garnished. You also may want to provide this same information to your financial institution and seek legal assistance if you believe it is needed.

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