
I recently bought an Alinco ATC receiver. Can i use it on a plane?

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I did mean an air band scanner.

You don't need any licence to receive those frequencies. It is a receiver only, i can't broadcast, only receive.




  1. Not really, your aerial is inside the aircraft, the transmitting aerials are outside and shielded so as not to affect onboard instrumentation.

    You are sitting in a metal box- not the best transmitter of radio waves.

    Look up Faraday Cage.

  2. I took mine on an easyJet flight a few years ago. One steward paniced a bit when he saw it. He though it was a transceiver. When I explained what it was, the crew were fine about it. Do ask first though.

    p.s. Reception wasn't all that great on-board

  3. Do you mean an airband scanner? Depends on the airline, best to check with them first to see if it is acceptable. You may not be licensed to receive these frequencies but tell that to the millions of people around the world openly using them at airports. Airport authorites just turn a blind eye. But do check first. Although it has an antenna it is not capable of transmission unlike mobile phones.

  4. You wouldn't be allowed to because of the whole electronic device business but even if you did try to use it onboard... the aircraft is a metal tube, try and receive a signal from inside it and you just get static.

  5. No, you are not licenced to receive those frequencies. -

  6. I agree with most of the others; you generally are not allowed to use any sort of electronic device that uses an antenna aboard commercial aircraft. This has been the case in the past and unless something has changed, I presume it still is.

    You are correct however; you can monitor ATC frequencies from anywhere else all day long. You don't need a special license or anything else. Commercial and General Aviation frequencies are open to anyone to listen. You can even listen to some ATC facilities online.

  7. Most airlines don't permit passengers to use such devices on their flights.  You can be removed in handcuffs if you don't say "yes ma'am" and put it away.

    You should be able to use it on a privately owned airplane.

  8. Most airlines wont let you but you could always check with them

    I'd also try and check with the airports your flying through too as it also depends on if the security staff will let you take it through

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