
I recently broke up with my gf. now i want her back (3 month relationship)?

by Guest59750  |  earlier

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what is the best way to get back a gf u broke up with. yes it was me that broke up with her, but we went on a break. when we met up in person again i threw myself all over her and forced her against a wall to plead for a second chance. eventually she found it funny and said the words that broke me. "we can be friends but nothing will happen again. don't have hope. i don't want u to have hope. u will move on. u can be a friend that i slept with." for all the ladies that can relate. is this official? is there a possiblility that i can change her mind if i treat her right? i've decided i like her and i want her back. now the question is i recently bought a book and it tells me to not have any contact with her at all. make her wonder about me and wait until she contacts me. then another advice from another source tells me the longer i wait, the more she will get on with her life without me. ladies what should i do? what would u expect if u were in this situation? contact her or don't contact her? what can i do to get my gf back? please help




  1. From what it sounds, you prob hurt her really bad.

    Girls are sometimes hard to understand. Saying "I just want to be friends" isnt always for sure. But then again, she could be being really serious.

    I honestly think.. It would be best for you to just move on. If she doesnt want you then shes really not worth your time. Find someone who wants you more than anything. AND DONT GIVE UP ON THEM. Thats one thing that drives girls crazy is breaking up with them, then 2 weeks later saying you want them back.

    Also: shes prob afraid you'll do the same thing all over again.

    Just move on. And just maybe, if she sees you with some other girl it will make her jealous and realize she misses you too.

  2. Really, just move one.  She probably will never want you back; it kind of depends on how long it has been since you broke up, but girls (especially teenage girls) can be extremely vindictive, and since you broke up with her there is a good chance she is angry at you and, judging by what she said, wants to hurt you.  Also, I am not sure how old you are but I am guessing you are relatively young, and if that is the case is is just more reason to forget about her.  I hate clichés, but there are more fish in the sea.  

    Oh, and never by books and such on the internet in a state of distress. These things pray off of the desperation of people; you got ripped off.  Just to prove my point, there is what I assume to be the exact same book but about how to get a boyfriend back.  It is all a scam.

    Good luck, and I promise, just try to forget about her and move on and you will feel better in no time.

  3. Forget it.  She doesn't want you back.  After what you did to her.  After you probably broke her heart.  Do you seriously think that you are worth it?  i'm sorry dude, but she's right.  Don't bother contacting her it won't do anything...  sorry.


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