
I recently brought my first python and every time i go to handle her she rushes to hide?

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She has also hissed at me on 1 occassion. is this normal? Once i have her out of her tank she seems to be fine




  1. This is really normal!

    Pythons don't like to be handled and need to slowly acclimatise to being handled by humans. Make sure she has plenty of small space in her enclosure to hide in (small boxes, artificial caves etc that she can just squeeze into) as feeling exposed can cause stress which leads to defensive (ie bitey) behaviour.

    Pythons are often also "cage protective". This can sometimes be overcome by feeding her in a separate enclosure to the one you keep her in, then she will not associate her cage being opened with getting food, only with being handled.

    Snakes should be left in peace for a week or two after you bring them home, then handled only minimally for the first couple of weeks ( a couple of minutes once or twice a week) then gradually increase it. Always put them back in their enclosure BEFORE they start getting stressed and cranky and they will associate being handled with safety and a nice warm body to snuggle up to.

    Good luck with your new snake!

  2. Is this a baby, or is it more of an adult??  It makes a difference.    If it is a baby it is nervous and shy.  Hissing is definitely a sound of don't touch me.  However if it is a baby continued interaction usually tames the snake and it will eventually come around to you.  A quick note to remember.  If the snake is a baby and it bites you do NOT let this discourage you from touching it.  Keep at it ..  Now on the other hand if it is an adult and it hisses.  It may actually be set in its ways.  It may not want to come around.   Most pythons that are sold as pets are pretty docile.  Give her time and I am sure that she will come around  just move slow and easy.

  3. shes only shy, the stress of having something new reaching from above to grab you would be a bit stressfull, no??

    so long as you continue to hold the lass she eventually will get used to you, bound to stop trying to hide from you and hissing.

    my bp only hisses if i get to close to him during his shedding session. but yeas, hissing is normal, yet daily handlings will eventually help calm her and she should be less protective

  4. what kind of python is it and how old is might be typical for an adult of any kind of snake to do that if its not used to being handled...the hissing wouldnt be typical for a ball python but it would be typical for a blood python...either one of them would probably hide...espically if its a baby.  a burmese might hiss and a baby a columbian probably wouldnt hiss as a baby.

  5. Hello; that is very normal for a snake that isn't used to you; particularly if she is a baby. You see; from her point of view; she can't tell that you aren't a giant predator swooping down to eat her, so of course she will try to get away. It is also quite common with adults that aren't used to being handled. Either way; there are definitely ways to change that behavior. :)

    Here are a few techniques that generally work quite well to circumvent that problem:

    1. Approach your snake from the side and scoop her up from underneath, as that is much less threatening than something suddenly appearing overhead.

    2. If the first approach doesn't seem to be working, try using a snake hook or snake tongs to remove her from her cage for handling, and only use whichever instrument that you choose for picking her up. That way she begins to associate the hook/tongs in her cage with being handled.

    3. If neither of the above two methods are working; try covering her up with a dish towel before removing her, then removing the towel once you have her in your hands. Many snakes are much calmer when their eyes are covered, and using a dish towel or a washcloth seems to do the trick in that regard. :)

    I hope this helps, and if you have any further questions at all on the subject; please feel free to message me and I will be more than happy to assist you. :)

    Good luck with your new python!

  6. mabye it sore ur face thats why hides

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