
I recently got a civil lawsuit against me in California I applied for a fee waiver I was Denied. What 2 do?

by  |  earlier

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I am getting sued by a lady in California. She says I sold her house and she thought it was a refinance. I was not even a licensed agent I just acted as a consultant. and She agreed to Century 21 selling her house. I dont have money to pay the filing fee of 320. Should I just let it go. And if they get a judgement DO I File BK?? Im just Lost




  1. Why would a con-man seek advice here?  If you do not answer then judment will be entered against you.  BTW, debts incurred by fraud, etc, are not dischargable in bankruptcy.

  2. get a lawyer and go to court.. at the very least show up in court.. and some things you cannot bankrupt on.. so dont plan on bankruptcy to get you out of it.. i'd seek legal advice from a licensed atourney in the state  your being sued in.

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