
I recently got a puppy he is so adorable but when it comes to take him for a walk with a leash he.... ?

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immediately starts to cry and refuses to walk. I try to continue to walk him but because he cries so loud I think Aim hurting him so I stop. Is that wrong? what should I do? Please help!




  1. the chances are most likely u are not hurting ur pup - some will just protest in the beginning because they are not use to the lead.  you'll need to take baby steps for this one and have the pup get use to the lead.  put it on him a few minutes a day and have him walk around a little bit without you tugging at the leash.  reward him by giving him a treat when u put it on, then eventually have him follow the treat while u are still holding the leash too - eventually do not use treats at all and he should be willing to walk with u - our pup wouldn't walk either in the beginning - consistancy paid off tho.  you may also want to look into different leads - are u only using a leash and collar? harness? do not use retractable leads - it only encourages the pup to pull.

  2. Teaching your dog how to walk on a leash starts at home. Put the leash on him. If he is quiet give him a treat. Take a step. If he cries or pulls, then stop. Take the leash off, wait awhile and put it on again. Teach him that walking properly on a leash will bring him rewards. It will take some time and effort but after while you will have a perfectly well behaved dog. Remember not to hit him if he does something wrong. It's not his fault if he doesn't know what you expect of him or if you didn't teach him properly.

  3. your dog is just scared your not hurting him what you can do is leave the leash on him around the house so he gets used to the concept of the leash then what i did for my dog was take her a little ways for a walk i walked her around the yard until she got used to the idea.  then i started out only very short distances around the neighbor hood.  it takes time but adventually she will start walking just fine  

  4. you should walk him around ur house but he could get sick if he doesnt have his shots yet so i wouldnt wait him that far yet

  5. Preety B has your best answer so far. 1 tip "as a trainer" I would add to her comment is.................While you are home and paying attention!!!  (very important) Leave his leash on and let him run around with it dragging. (but only when you are paying attention) Did I say that enough times        :)

    He will get use to the leash and slight tension from the dragging. It's also a good way to catch him quickly for a needed correction. If he isn't 12-14 weeks old without all his shots dragging him around the block will make both of you nuts. Keep in mind too, that the puppy has a huge world out there that is really scary. The puppy needs your calm assurance when walking.

  6. If he's the type of dog that likes to play with toys try to urge him along with his favorite toy. A neighbor of mine down the street had the same problem with is Bassett Hound until he let the dog carry a toy in his mouth the entire walk.

    Good Luck,

    Kelly, RVT

  7. check his leash. make sure it's not hurting him. how old is your puppy? is he old enough to be walked?

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