
I recently got divorce, and got sole custody of our son. I could not stand by husband for his wrong doing ?

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and I may blame myself for that. I just discovered that he is back again to his mistress, it hurts to see her with my ex because she destroyed my family, and my child will be raised basically in fatherless situation. I can not allow her to play any role in our child's life. I am afraid to see her anywhere close to my son. My ex husband tells me he has still feelings for me and even we made love many times after divorce, which I think it is wrong but I have to prove to her that he can cheat on her very easily, I have not told her that yet but does it change anything if I tell her that my husband is still in love with me and he is all over me every time he is in my house.




  1. Do you honestly believe your ex saying he still has feelings for you?, then I am sorry to say your a very naive person. Stop being made a fool of, as this guy wants his cake and be able to eat it as well. I wouldn't let him kiss me or make love to me after finding out he has a mistress, he is really making you look silly and you should put a halt to it asap. Move on and let him have his mistress, because he will be the one that comes undone in the end and no don't take him back either, as he lies.  

  2. it all depends on whether you love him back if you don't leave him to it the woman split you two up in the first place. So If you love him take him back and you child will be happy to have a father growing up with him.  

  3. tell the mistress

    hire a hitman to blow him off lol  JK

    dont do IT!!!!!

  4. she probably won't believe you anyway. But, if it will make you feel better then go for it sister!!  I can sure feel your pain, even tho I haven't been there. Funny thing is that you say SHE broke up your family... sorry, but HE did. She may not have even known about you until after he got her involved with him (THAT I can attest to!).  Men who cheat can just be so sweet and make you want to love them so much. They just don't have a heart and as long as women keep giving in to them,they just keep getting what they want to fill their needs.  I hope you can move on and find someone else. If it helps and she is around your child, then give her dates and times that you have had s*x with him.  She'll get smart and move on too.....  

  5. yes i would tell her  

  6. She already knows he's a cheater and SHE DOESN'T CARE.  You aren't going to run her off or break them up by telling her that you and your ex still have s*x.  But if you're having s*x with him still, you could find yourself pregnant with yet another of his children.  

    Look, you're divorced.  You need to maintain a civil relationship for the sake of your child.  You do NOT need to have s*x with this loser.  Start setting some boundaries, and move on with your life.  If you can't do that by yourself, find a competent therapist who can help you.

  7. It sounds to me like you are being vengeful and you need to think about your son's best interests.  What could your ex do to take your son away from you if you get vengeful and say anything to his mistress?  You don't want him any more so leave them alone.  She will learn soon enough that he cannot be faithful and if she hears it from you she may feel you are just trying to start something and won't believe you.  Let her learn on her own.  our son knows who is mom is and why his dad is with the other woman.  Be a good mother.

  8. she might not believe you odds are she will take his word over yours. She might think yours just being jelous and trying to break them up.

    No man hun is worth this much trouble you can do better move on.

  9. You should take him back for the sake of your son!!!!

    Your son needs both parents.

    It may not be aperfect marriage but you can make it work until your son is grown.

  10. Do you really want him again?  if you do, tell her what goes on between you and your husband,  and tell your husband one more chance thats it.

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