
I recently had a dream that my boyfriend and I were getting married.We were kneeling at an alter in a church.?

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While kneeling at the alter we were trying to light a white candle and for some reason we could not light the candle.I was wondering if maybe this dream had a significant meaning.what does the white candle represent and what do you think this dream meant?why couldn't we light the candle. please share Ideas asap! thanks




  1. To me this is a significant dream and very straightforward.  There's no light, guidance, direction in this relationship.  There's no blessing here. You decide.


  2. A candle has may meanings in dreams. First of all it is a symbol of light which represents a connection between spirit and matter. If you see a brightly burning candle, it means that the future hopes will turn out the way you wanted. Sometimes candles signify an invitation to a party. If a candle flame in your dream is flickering, it is a warning saying that the condition of your health is not stable. Watching a candle burning quietly and steadily is a sign of piece of mind, contemplation and desire to look within. If the flame of a candle goes off, you maybe informed about the illness or a death of a relative or somebody close to you. It also could mean the end of a close friendship or relationship. In other sense, a candle is a phallic symbol and could mean a flame of passion burning inside you. Then seeing a candle in the dream could symbolize your desire for more understanding and enlightenment, or wisdom.

  3. In a traditional marriage ceremony, there is usually a unity candle.  Both bride and groom light the one unity candle using two individual candles, which represents the two becoming one.

    "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."

    Ephesians 5:31; also referenced in Matthew 19:5, Mark 10:8, 1 Corinthians 6:16, and Genesis 2:24.

    Perhaps your subconscious mind is expressing reservations that the two of you could ever become one, united in spirit.  

    I don't know whether either of you are Christians, but there is a Bible verse that tells Christians not to marry non-Christians:

    "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"

    2 Corinthians 6:14

  4. I know I worry about a lot of really ridiculous stuff and if you've been with your boyfriend a while, maybe not to even think about marriage, but if I'm really into my boyfriend I'd think about what could be and the reactions to go with it. The worst thing that could happen to me in a dream about my marriage would be not being about to light the candle. The white candle in itself is an old wedding tradition and I can't think of anything that would be a symbol in that one. Relax. It's probably you subconscious wandering while you sleep to something you haven't seriously thought about but the possibility is still there right? Don't we all want to get married some day?

  5. Your dream could be nothing or it could be your subconscious trying to tell you something.  It could be that, while you might want to marry this guy you have doubts.  Your best bet is to not really over think it.  You will just drive yourself crazy trying to figure out whether or not it's significant.  If you have the dream, or a similar one, then I would really consider thinking about your relationship.  I know I am being really vague but I can not be definite on something that is so easily twisted toward one side or another.

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