
I recently helped a victim of domestic abuse decorate their first place of their own?

by  |  earlier

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This simple act gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside and a taste for charity. I want to help more people myself, rather than belonging to any particular organisation or just fundraising/ donating.

What can I do to help people in my local area, myself? Thanks!




  1. that is a great act of kindness.....

  2. One of the best ways to make a difference that I have seen is the mentoring system. I don't know the websites, but I have seen it on tv, and I amsure you'll be able to track it down. Basically, after a little training, you get teamed up with a disaffected youth, and form a contract between yourselves to spend time together. By doing this, you provide a stable outlet for them to learn to trust, and hopefully you can use your life experiences to help them get back on the right track. On the program that I saw even a few visits seemed to make a great difference to these kids, as often just having someone to talk to, who wasn't a family member (and as messed up / poorly educated as they are) or a scary figure of authority meant that they could get come real perspective on life. I have been thinking about signing up myself, look it up.

  3. Congratulations on helping someone who really needed the help.  Proves it is better to give than to receive.

    I know you said you didn't want to work with organizations, but the Salvation Army could help you find people.  Your local Battered Women's Group is another good source.  Go to your local homeless shelter.

    Do you have any skills like cosmetology, sewing, hair cutting?  People in nursing homes would appreciate the attention.

    Good luck and keep on giving.

    How did you find this particular person?

  4. trust and advertise you help you are offering  keep helping very nice and thought-full well done

  5. uh... be a Home-Start volunteer?

    Plenty of good opportunities to help people and volunteers are always welcome.

  6. That's awesome! I always love it when others discover how good it makes YOU feel to help other people. Here are the two sites I point people toward most often to find volunteer opportunities in their area, and to suit their interest. The possibilities are endless. Wishing you all the best my friend.

    Volunteer match:

    or Network for Good:

  7. Go to your local hospital, they always want someone to keep the patients company.

    Good luck and good for u! x

  8. Look around you there are folks every day that could use help.  Open the door for old folks or women coming or going at the stores etc.  Open car doors for them also.  Carry bags to the car for them, help them cross the street.  If you know a neighbor or some one needs help offer your services to them for free or a small fee if they insist they want to pay.  Once you get started you will find there are a number of things you can do.  Volunteer at your local hospital.

  9. They are screaming out for volunteers.I I used to volunteer in a baby clinic, helping weigh the babies etc. It was great

    this site should help find something in your area

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