
I recently lost 15lbs, will i still test positive for THC? its been 12 days since i last smoked Marijuana.

by  |  earlier

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found out DOT is doing random testing on other drivers, but its a same day test, they give no time... i want to pass but right now i fear i will fail.. anyone got any suggestion?




  1. Marijuana stays in your system for up to 30 days.  It is one of the longest detected drugs in your system for purposes of a urine test.  Sorry but I think you are in trouble for your urine test.  

  2. go to the store and buy 1 gallon of cranberry juice and 2 gallons of water. drink those in 1 day try to drink a lot at once, it helps flush out ur system, sound crazy like it wont work but it works for me. oo and a little tip be close to a bathroom allllll day long.

  3. if im not mistaken it takes 1 too 3 weeks too past through your system depending on how your body works too be absolutely sure just dont smoke for about 20 days and you'll definetly be cleared

  4. lasts in your system for about 1 month...your weight would have nothing to do with it.

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