
I recently realized I have a phobia of Catholic Schools...But now my dad is sending me to one

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When I was in the 5th grade, I attended a catholic school that was populated with mean and bad kids. They back-stabbed me, used me, got me in trouble all the time, yelled at me for no reason, etc. Not only that, but the teachers and principal were never there. The education was terrible, and I already learned all of that so I made easy straight A's. And I'm a very sensitive person, so this turned me into a "quiet, shy" person. After that, I attended public school for 3 years.

Now, only my mom knew about all my problems there, since I use to come home crying or depressed (I still am depressed). But my dad doesn't know anything, only some things that has happened to me over there, and that's only the positive things. But now, he's sending me to a catholic high school that I heard was populated with very s****., b**chy, slu*ty people. I really don't want to go, and knowing that I'm going makes me very mad at life. The Public High school I want to attend is right across the street, too.

So, what should I do? My dad is a very stubborn person, and I don't think he'll listen to me. He's the only person in my whole family who wants me to atten that school too.




  1. Wish I had time to give more thorough answer, but it does sound like a better school for learning, so tell your dad that.  If he's really religious, maybe promise to say a decade a day if he lets you go to the public school.  Hope this helps, good luck

  2. I have no idea what Catholic School you're going to...

    I know the one near me, you have to test to get in, it's very demanding and it's courses are as hard as they get. I also know many people who graduate from that school get partial to full scholarships.

    Do you mind telling me what school this is and where it's at? I'd like to look into that because if they are that far behind, there's a problem.

    As for your problem, explain to your dad that you checked the school out and you don't think you'll be challenged there. I'm sure he's looking at it from a college standpoint that those who graduate from a private school have an easier chance of getting into the colleges of their choice.

    It might be a compromise that you attend the Catholic schoool for a semester and if you still don't like it, you can go back to the public school. Or it could be you go to the public school and as long as you take some hard courses and get good grades, you can continue to attend that school.

    I think though that having both you and your mother will help when you talk to your father.

    Maybe both your mother and you need to sit down and talk it over. This should be a group decision, not just his decision. I'm sure if you explain to him your reasons for not wanting to attend, he will be more open to options.

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