
I recently reformatted and my computer randomly restarts whenever I play a game.?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes it will restart 45 minutes in, sometimes it will restart at the loading screen. I have better luck with some games than others. When i uncheck automatic reboot, I dont get any error message, just a blue screen. My fans are working fine and As far as I know, my software and drivers are up to date as well. I am leaning towards a power supply problem. Any advice?




  1. Could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This  problem can be solved by uninstalling new softwares, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes . From . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

  2. I had this problem before. Its the problem in ur graphics card. This issue cannot be repaired . Just change the graphics card and it will work. I gurantee u this.

  3. yeah that definitely sounds like a video card problem... I would suggest updating the video drivers, if that doesn't fix it, update all other drivers like sound, mobo and such, could be a problem with that too, but as the person above me suggested, you might just have a faulty card... check if the fan is still spinning on it... if the driver updates don't work unfortunately you might have to replace the card...

  4. get all the latest drivers; motherboard driver, gpu driver, any drivers.

    you got directx9c? one possiable although unlickley solution is that you have a power supply too weak.

  5. This article might help it is called What causes my computer to randomly restart and freeze:

  6. btw the blue screen HAS the error message its something like 0x0000000ED or something of that sort. You need to show us the error.

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