
I recently saved a baby racconn, 3 monthes old now, from certain death after a driver hit it Now I do not know

by Guest45458  |  earlier

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where it would be best to set it free??? I was thinking that if we set it free somewhere where it wasn't born at, maybe a territorial male one would kill it. Does that happen with coons? Does it matter where as long as he has shelter, food, fresh water and lots of room???? He is old enough, I know because he recently ate whole craydads and lots of nuts and berries and acts wild when we go near his cage. I want to release him where we found him, but I am worried as there is a road and also A huge highway I75 runs right there also. any suggestions would be greatly apreciated, I thought maybe the reservor but was worried about a rival male or him not getting a good territory, too crowded??????? I thought a nature reserve near here would be good, but also the worry of a rival male killing all other males kits, has crossed my mind??????? Let me know ASAP as I hope with a great week coming up, we could let him go tonight. Thanks.




  1. Awe, you are a good human for saving helpless raccoon.

    If I were in your situation, I would really miss the little rascal....but reintroduction to the wild is most likely best....but maybe not in your rescued raccoon case.

    You may have too keep it.....GOOD LUCK!!

  2. ask an animal welfare organization near you, they should be able to help.

    Best of luck with ur baby racoon! :o)

  3. Ask an animal welfare place/an animal shelter to help, they'll know.

  4. Go check with a wildlife expert or browse the internet seeing what you should do with it. Whatever you do, I think it's best to check with someone first, because only a professional (no affence ) would know how to properly take care of an injured wild animal and only a proffesional would know where/when to set it free :)

    Gooduck ♥

  5. i would'nt let him go in the wild as he would not cope and posibly die. the reservor sounds good as he would be feed and sheltered there but make shore the ranger or person in charge nose wat happened and that he was raised from a young age.

    Hope I Helped =)

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