
I recently saw a documentary on HBO about Halliburton...?

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...s******g the government (read: taxpayers) out of tons of money in Iraq. Instead of fixing a truck with a flat tire they would burn it and get a new one, they charge like $100 a bag (to the govt) to do the soldiers' laundry, $27 each for a styrofoam plate, they run convoys with nothing on the trucks risking thier drivers lives and the lives of our soldiers to make more money. It goes on and on. Anyway, I only saw the last 15 or 20 minutes of it, does any one know what the name of the documentary is? Also, if you saw it how do you feel about this, and what do you think we as citizens can/should do about it?




  1. I didn't see the documentary (can't afford HBO), but it sounds right.  It has been know for a while that Halliburton is crooked.  The real question is how are they being allowed to continue to get away with what they are doing

  2. I don't know what it is about Halliburton Industries. The firm was introduced as an adjunct to the military initially by Slick Willie (Clinton) in his first term and retained by both Bush administrations. Maybe Halliburton was supplying them with sexual surrogates? As far as government-inflated pricing goes, this has been happening since World War I in our beloved country (possibly even before that). So get naked,  grab your ankles and don't expect a kiss!

  3. I know Halliburton has done some things,  but I think all this is to the  extreme, and since I have family there, in the military, I know Haliburton is not doing their clothes and selling them plates, nor burning trucks because they have a flat tire.  Funny how HBO can show this, but Pathway to 911 movie, was blocked , to keep it from being viewed by the public, by high powered liberals.

    The Clintons claimed that the blind trust was being liquidated because some of the investments could pose conflicts of interest or otherwise prove to be embarrassing to Hillary's presidential campaign. In April, the Office of Government Ethics instructed the Clintons to publicly DISCLOSE assets within the blind trusts.

    The broadly diversified blind trust held stock investments in pharmaceutical companies, haliburton, and defense contracts, plus numerous other companies including Exxon Mobil, BP Amoco, citgo, ama, aaa, info usa, cnn. Walt Disney and eBay.


  4. If you watched the documentary recently and you are positive it was on HBO, you can look it up at, and clicking on the documentary button.

    I did a quick search to help you, but didn't see a documentary of the nature you are asking about.

    IF you have a few minutes, give it a try.

    I hope you find what you are looking for and know that you aren't the only one who believes Haliburton is bad.  What little that could be shown in an hour during a documentary doesn't even begin to plumb the depths of it's evilness, greed and corruption.  Don't forget all of it's subsidiaries!

    VOTE the thieves who have made it possible for them to steal from the US out of office and prosecute them.

  5. HBO is nothing more than a liberal propaganda machine. Anything that spews out of that network is highly suspect. I realize that Haliburton is the socialists boogy man and that lefties think they have an easy rallying point. I just do not think Mom and Pop America cares about this talking point.

  6. yeah they recently got in trouble for that... they were getting all the contracts and others weren't getting a fair chance, cuz they were all buddy-buddy with bush... if I'm not mistaken, he has a lot of money invested in them... so all that should change once bush gets out of office.  There were nominated for worst company of 2006, but lost to the RIAA (even though the RIAA isn't a company)

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