
I recently sold a car to a friend for 3,000 -1,000 down with an agreement they would make payments?

by  |  earlier

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Stupid I know and guess what they didn't. I already signed the title over so I wouldn't be liable if they wrecked. On the bill of sale to help them out with taxes I put 1,000 dollars(because they were really in a hard place and didn't have the money.) So there's no proof the agreement was 3,000. I was going to get a promisary note but I got sick that day and had to leave before the deed was done. The next day I ask about them signing the note and they make up a million excuses why they don't think they should pay me the full amount (the car is junk etc) and refuse to sign it. Am I pretty much screwed or is there anything I can do to get my money?




  1. Not much you can do except find new friends. Let this one go. I don't think a "friend" would do that to you. Especially if what you say is true about going out of your way to help.

  2. Legally, I think you're pretty badly hosed.  I'm not an attorney.

    I guess in the future, you won't wave a free $2000 in front of any friends you want to keep. It just doesn't work for some people.

    I would have paid you.  I wouldn't treat you like that.

  3. hi rae

    yes you are screwed cause now the car is just a piece of junk in any one that you call a friend does that to a true friend is not a friend to you are any one are any body ever they are called user thats just part of life picking the wrong frineds in useing you for it but you will learn not never ever deal with your own money with stupid people like they are

  4. Unfortunately because you put down $1000 instead of $3000 there isn't much you can do except talk to them about it and try to sort it out.

  5. Boy what happened to you is why they always tell people not to do these types of things for so called friends.

    I don't know what state you live in but you could try contacting  the DMV.If they have not changed the title over you could be able to block the transaction as long as you have your ID. You could call the police and see what they have to say. However lying about the sale price for tax purposes could get you in trouble with the state tax agency.

    Last call a laywer and ask for a free consultation. If they can help get a worst case cost senario from them in writing.

  6. I have this friend... Geno Fazul.  Let me know if you want more info.

  7. no there is nothing that you can do if you have no proof of the agreement. next make sure you get it in writing before you hand it over.

  8. Sorry....I would say so.  Unless of course you threaten to take them to court.  I guess what you do next really depends on if you want to remain friends with them.  I would tell them look...I need this money and was doing you a favor by allowing you to make me payments.  I really do not want to contact a lawyer but will be more than happy to if we can not come to some agreements.  


  9. You're screwed.If the car isn't junk it would be when i got done with it though.Consider it a lesson in life that cost you 2000 bucks.For future reference next time go to the DMV with them and switch to registration to their name with you as the lien holder.That way your not responsible for the car.

  10. You lost money and a friend.  How you could sign title over is beyond me when you could have just given when paid off like everyone else.Yu have not a shread of proof as if you went to court you broke law with tax and will lose on those grounds alone.

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