
I recently stopped all my caffeine intake and now I have bad headaches?

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I've drank coffee, cokes, and energy drinks my whole life almost everyday. So I decided If I want to lose weight quicker im gonna have to stop drinking caffeine. So I stopped drinking all caffeine related drinks cold turkey. I've been on this "diet" for about 2 weeks now and almost everyday at one point I have a major painful head aches that lasts until I go to bed, I've also had no energy at all. And I've been rather depressed. Is all of this related to not drinking caffeine?




  1. Sounds like exactly what I go through every time I quit caffeine.

    Headaches especially.

  2. its caffieine withdrawl, should go away in time, u probobly should have tapered off

  3. its called withdrawal!

    apple juice or just eating an apple will help with the headaches!

    Drink lots of fluids and maybe sugary drinks (like caffiene free soda) until your body can readjust...

  4. Yeah the withdrawal it sucks, it only lasts for 2days when I suddenly stop.

    But you can take Caffeine pills that have 0 calories in them and still have that buzz you crave. Pretty simple fix.

  5. Yes, it is most definity related to stopping the caffeine cold turkey. It would have been better to gradually take yourself off of it and allow your system to get used to less and less over a period of time. I wouldn't go back on it now have come this far so I would try to stick it out as best that you can...Make sure you are eating plenty of protein and a balanced diet.  Removing to many things that your body has been used to having will reek havok with your system.

  6. Yes it is. You are addicted to caffeine and now you're going through withdrawals. Happened to me too. I quit cold turkey and had a migraine every day for 3 weeks. It finally lessened and now I am back to normal. I have switched to energy drinks that are really low in caffeine and sugar so I can maintain my weight levels and not get addicted to caffeine. My favorite new energy drink is called FRS. I learned about through an article here and they have a link to a free trial. Since I did the trial I've been hooked.

    I suggest you stick with what you've started until your headaches disappear then try the drink when you know you are no longer dependent on caffeine. Don't fall off the wagon! Haha.

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