
I recently took an IQ test and was curious if my score was good.?

by  |  earlier

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I just turned 17 and am about to enter into the 11th grade and decided to see what my IQ was. I took the IQ test at and the website says that the IQ test is PhD certified. Anyways, I scored 128 as my score. I know I can score better because it was 1:00am when I took it and I was tired. I also had no caffeine or ginkgo biloba, wasn't breathing deeply and to top it off I had some sugar which temporarily brings one's IQ down slightly. So i believe my IQ is around 131-133. Although I could be wrong. Back to the point, though. Is this IQ good for my age? I am always told that I'm very smart, but as always, I wanted numbers to prove what was at hand. So, please. Answer away.




  1. when i was 16 i got the perfect score but i dont consider myself smart. im actually not. its just commen sense and logic

  2. That's a good score, especially for someone so young.

    Don't sweat the small stuff, gain more world experience, then take the test again in 2 years when you're sated, well-rested and raring to go.

    If you score higher then, look into taking the Mensa test.

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