
I recently turned 19 and want to know if this is normal?

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Am I still growing? Because I have growing pains in my legs tonight believe it or not!

I didn't really grow much until I was about 15. I've always been "small" for my age. But now I'd say I'm pretty normal height wise, but still not weight wise. I was so hungry today and ate tons (cereal, milk, miscellaneous snacks through the day, lots of meat for lunch and dinner [more than I usually eat]).

Am I still growing? It seems like I'm not done yet but it's hard to believe it's still happening.

19 and 22 days, 5'10.5", 145lbs




  1. ur fine I had the same THIng


  3. boys usually grow until early 20s.  

  4. your still growing, i think guys stop growing around 20 or 21.

  5. My brother is only 15 and he's almost 7 feet tall. The doctors say he's not done growing yet. It could be some people develope slower, and when they finally do, they develope quickly.

  6. when you dont grow when your younger sometimes you still have a growth spurt coming and this is it, you might get a more muscular build that your body needs.

  7. It is definitely possible! And you certainly have the symptoms!

  8. Ya some people are late bloomers its just growing pains. Try some asprin maybe

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