
I recently turned vegan. How many cows/chickens/pigs, etc. per year am I saving?

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I am serious. I think this will give me incentive to stay vegan. I eat no eggs, dairy or meat. I picture animals not dying that would have died. How many would an average person eat per year?




  1. None.  If you stop eating them, production will stay the same but demand might drop slightly.  In the end, the price of meat will only drop slightly, which will cause consumption to increase.

  2. As a vegan you save zero animals each year. As a vegan you do not contribute to the meat industry but that's it.

    Think about it this way: A soldier who does not fire his gun during a battle is not saving anybody. The enemy soldier he does not shoot is gonna be shot by someone else.

    The number of vegans (1 percent of 2 percent of the TOTAL population) is not enough to make any difference whatsoever in an industry that kills 40 billion animals every year. The "100 animals saved a year by each vegetarian/vegan" is a myth based on simplistic but unrealistic mathematics. Again just take heart in the fact that you do not contribute to the industry. At least you are being honest instead of being under some false illusion.

  3. NONE, Zero Zilch....

    As soon as I read this, I upped my consumption of meat!

  4. i would say one cow,ten chickens,one pig :)

  5. they say around 100...but I am not sure how that number is calculated. Being vegan means you are not drinking the milk of a cow who has been pregnant and produced a calf that will be used for I would consider that 2 lives saved at once. Being vegan you save more than being vegetarian.....

    And no farmers don't say ok theres another vegetarian spare that cows life...however production IS slowed when demand decreases. That's simple economics....the percentage of vegetarians/vegans is growing and with each generation from now on you will see a decrease in factory farming.

  6. eat a god d**n pork chop its unhealthy not to eat meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ive known at least 20 people who have died from not eating meat and there last words were

          s***w veggies!!!!d****n veggie...

  7. i agree with jason l and exsft.

    unlike peta says, vegetarians do not save any animals. whatsoever. i just dont see a farmer saying, "okay. another vegetarian. lets save an animal every three days."

    production doesn't slow. no animals are saved.

    i'm sorry.

  8. 5 cows 50 chickens 2 pigs 1 goat 3 hamsters and a partridge in a pear tree

  9. about 95 to 100 in just a year!

  10. I wouldn't base your decision on whether to become vegan or not on how many animals you are technically "saving". When I think about it, I am glad to know that I'm not contributing to their suffering, even though there are many people who still are, sadly.

    You should also think of the health benefit aspect of not consuming animal products. The truth is that we are not anatomically designed to ingest milk, meat, eggs...etc. We are the only species that consumes another species milk. Our intestines and colon are more similar to that of an herbivores. Cats and dogs and other carnivores are designed to eat meat. They will not get colon cancer, heart disease, or other cardivascular diseases if they eat it. But we do.

  11. It depends to individuals... how much did you eat last time.

  12. You've seen Earthlings haven't you?

    If I only spare one animal from living like that, It's all the motivation that I need.

  13. A vegetarian and vegan are saving at least 100 animals per year. Just today 1,569,205 animals were saved today by vegetarians and vegans.

  14. You have not "saved" a single animal. If the farmers can't sell them this year, they either sell next year or they euthanize it so it doesn't cost any more money. Then they just raise fewer next time, which means they either don't let as many animals have babies, or they euthanize more of them shortly after birth to keep numbers down. But yes, eventually there will just be fewer animals killed if enough people stop eating them, but then they just breed fewer.

  15. I hear the average veg@n saves about 100 animals a year. Yeah us!!

  16. enough to make a difference..just make sure you get enough vitamins


    dot got a haircut


  17. let see 1 pound of meat will feed a family of 4 one meal.

    We eat 3 meals a day so that would be 0.75 pounds a day.

    There are 365 days in a year so that would be  273.75 pounds of meat eaten per year. It could be higher or lower for you.

    I don't know how many animals that would be but you are saving 273.75 pounds of meat each year.

  18. "I picture animals not dying that would have died."

    The fact is that the animals you didn't eat were eaten by someone else. Or perhaps, because the farmer couldn't sell them, they were slaughtered before their time and made into organic fertilizer or some such thing. And then, because you produced a very small drop in the demand for the animals, some potential animals somewhere will never see the light of day.

  19. 0. there all gona be grown and killed off anyway.

  20. By eating soy, you  contribute to the deaths of fawns, turkeys, ducks, and other creatures caught up in the farm machinery during the planting and harvest.  Just once you should try to peel a fawn out of a combine. It's not pretty.

    You may think you're saving animals specifically raised for slaughter, but what you're actually doing is contributing to the deaths of wild animals.

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