
I recently wrote my car off and?

by Guest67127  |  earlier

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i havent settled with autopac yet but i have a payment for car insurance comming up do i need to pay for it untill i settle with autopac?




  1. Why are you asking here? You should be asking your insurance agent this question. thats the only one who can answer that question.

  2. Your question is vague but I'm assuming you mean that your car was in an accident and the insurance company "totaled" it and you are waiting for their check. It depends on whether you pay monthly, annually or semi-annually.  If you pay monthly you probably need to keep paying, if not you may not need to pay but you really need to ask this question of your insurance company.  What's Autopac?

  3. Most states require that liability insurance remain in force for the entire time that a car is registered, even if the car is totaled and not drivable.  If you're getting another car soon, hurry up and get it real soon so you can transfer the plates and switch cars on your insurance.  if you're not getting another car or aren't sure how long it will be til you get one, then turn in your plates and contact your insurance company to cancel the policy.  don't drag your feet on this!  if you let the insurance cancel while your car is still registered there are probably fine and possible license suspension from the DMV.

  4. That's a question that only your insurance carrier can answer.

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