
I recieved a letter in the mail it claims its not a chain letter would like to try it but wanna know if legal

by  |  earlier

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The sender claims that this is not a chain letter under title 18 sec 1302 &1342 but i know nothing about it. Basically you put your name on the bottom of the 7 person list and knock off the top then send out 200 letters or however many you want. It should work. This would be really cheap to do so even if it doesnt work i wouldnt be losing out. I would like to try it but want to make sure it is legal first. Does anyone know if this is legal or has anyone tried it that could help me out???




  1. do it i say

  2. I have gotten these before.  pretty sure its just a scam.  It may seem inexpensive to you but its adding up for other people if they send out a million of these.

    Anyway, who would put their name at the bottom when they can just throw it at the top.  Then people start sending you money.  It could be illegal but then again its only asking not demanding.  Try sending it out with your name at the top.  Then you dont even have to pay money.  Think about it though - I dont even know what postage is but you are definitely gonna be throwing out some dough by putting the stamps on all of these.

  3. Oh, you would be losing out all right... try Googling these:

    "Dave Rhodes"

    "Karen Liddell"

    "CW in NJ"

    Your letter isn't legal, doesn't work as claimed, and could, under current political conditions, be construed as a terrorist act against the economy of the United States if it spreads widely. A similar letter devastated the economy of Colorado in 1935.

  4. It's not legal.

    Pyramid schemes *do* fall under section 1302.  They are schemes that depend on the odds that someone after you will sign up and send you money.

  5. It is an illegal chain letter even if the sender says it isn't.  It won't earn you  a dime.

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