
I reckon all whips should be banned from all horse racing!!! what do you think?

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There is no need for them its the only sport where the animal is whipped\/beaten to make it go faster?? wont change if whips are banned, horse will still win on their merits, jockeys may have to put in a bit more work, money will still be wagered so why do we need them???




  1. don't know where your from but in England the use of the whip in horse racing is monitored very carefully and can only be used a certain number of times (10 i think) i don't agree that it should be banned altogether some horses respond to the whip very well and that could be the difference between winning and losing .

  2. Any good driver or rider knows how to use a whip.

    The reason that people think they should be banned is because of the bad news stories and riders/drivers that abuse the whip.

    A whip should be used on the race bike or saddle pad. NEVER on the horse itself

  3. Are you for real???

    Have you riden a race horse? In a race?

    It pisses me off hippy tree huggers ragging on about what they have absolutely no idea about, horses dont always win on their merits you could be on what is commonly refered to in the racing industry as a cat or a flea, which is a horse that has ability but wont put in any effort unless its really ridden out.Some horses resent the whip and do tend to put their ears back and start pulling themselves up when the stick is used, though in saying that most will lift each time their hit, some people thing that we hit them to hurt them but its more like chasing them up as horses are naturally flight animals and run from things apparently chasing them, the English style stick used by jump jockeys in Europe is sort of air cushioned so as not to hurt or mark them.

    If a stick is used the way it is supposed to be in a race then no it wouldn't hurt them due to their thick skinned hide and the huge amount of adrenaline pumping through them at the business end. Before you go on an animal rights crusade try ask people who no first hand! People like you cause racing a bad image due to sheer ignorance

  4. Yes I think your'e totally right. I mean would you beat a human athlete with a whip? Well horses are just the same they have feelings to. I've never liked the use of whips in thoroughbred racing. I think that they should just let the horse go faster naturally and not force them to. I've seen races on t.v. and seen them keep whacking even the 2 year olds with a whip and it makes me mad!

  5. I would like to take your idea a few steps farther and request that horse racing be banned completely, along with any other activity wherein animals are placed in competition and/or exploited for human entertainment, such as dog racing, circuses, zoos, and other things. Furthermore, I would request that birds no longer be kept in cages and that clipping their wings become a federal offense. Also, I would like to see the breeding of cats and dogs become illegal under any circumstances, and that the only way to obtain such an animal would be to adopt one. There are many other things I would like to see, but alas, there is not enough room here.

  6. I don't think they should be banned if they DO NOT break the skin or cause other forms of lacerations.

  7. lol.  the horse does'nt mind getting the whip.  :)

  8. They really are unnecessary, as the horse isn't whipped when he is being trianed  to run in a circle, so why would it be needed on race day

  9. You should be whipped in the face!

  10. what do you reckon a 115 pound jockey does when his 1100 pound mount is lugging out into the path of an oncoming 1100 pound horse.  I reckon I'll hit the road and take a whip to Me Again wherever he may be.  Grow up it does not hurt them, it's a reminder to keep their minds on the task at hand.

    OK, you say the jock should ride a horse who is lugging in harder???  So he should continue to ride it even harder into another horse, instead of giving him a crack so he gets back in his lane.  Sounds like a good idea, take away whips and start causing spills instead by running contact races.

    Grow up you idiot, a horse has slightly thicker skin than humans, a whip is nothing more than a little pinch to horses.  So I guess in your world horses will freeze to death if they are left out in zub 0 celcius temperatures without blanket, beacuse hey a human would.  Don't make assumptions on something you know absolutely nothing about.   To the little girl who is upset by 2yo's feeling the whip yearlings get it too if they act up when their getting broke.

  11. Whipping horses isn't that cruel as long as the rider has a good head on their shoulders.

  12. they use the whip in place of the reins, because it would be stupid to steer the horses head and break their stride while they're trying to go as fast as they can.  they do use the reins if a sharp maneuver is necessary, like if another horse trips in front of them, etc.

    and it doesn't hurt them.  they can feel it, but it's not like you would feel it.  and most of the time they're just shaking it at them and it just looks like whipping.  there are penalties for abusing the whip, especially when it comes to juveniles.  

    it's just a tool, to tell them when they need to accelerate, when they need to stay focused and when they need to straighten out.  just like most humans need an alarm clock to get out of bed.  if everyone just got up 'naturally', no one would have jobs.

    the horses are not being 'beaten'.  go to a track, watch the horses as they come off the track.  a 'beating' would imply marks or welts on the horses.  you won't find any.

    do you have a problem with using the 'rabbit' at greyhound races?  they're not running  naturally, either, since they're being provoked to chase the rabbit, i guess.

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