
I removed the wallpaper off my wall so i can paint, but before i paint...

by  |  earlier

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i know nothing about painting is it easy, how should i prepare the wall?

here is a pic of the wall, as you can see, there are many scratches, dents and in some parts, that greyish layer (dont know what it is) has ripped off

any help/advice you can give is appreciated




  1. can go to Home Depot's wallpaper section and buy a liner. Install, wait to it dries and then paint. Saves you time in sanding etc...

  2. you will have to sand down the wall, to make it smooth, then you will have to put a primmer on it, then wait till the primmer drys, then paint it, it may take two coates of paint.

  3. 1 st patch spots and coat edges of layers with regular drywall compound , as this spreads easily, use a 5 inch wide taping tool, at least,you may add a bit of water to the mix for smoother going. this probably will need 2 coats.sand smooth with 100 -150 grit paper, this will make a lot of dust or use a damp spongeand just touch up with paper. primer wall .flat finish wont show wall defects.shiny paint magnifys dents.

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