
I resurrected my P1 Tamagotchi yesterday.How long does it take to hatch? I've been waiting for more than 24hrs

by Guest57332  |  earlier

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I dont know how long it's been in storage. More than 10 years, I guess. I see the egg so I don't think it's broken.




  1. reset then put in info when it asks you.

  2. Fast forward the time to about 3:00 AM. It always works for me.

  3. Hmm...I'm not sure about p1, but all the other older tamas I have once I reset them...i have to push b button and select reset or shouldn't take more than a few mins...

    Try pressing reset and watching it....or take the battery out. It should work fine. I just resurrected a few of mine as well...I found one in my storage unit that had been hidden away for at least 3 years and it worked fine:) and its one of the first versions back from 1997...or whatever..wayy back when it all started, hehe.

    Also make sure the clock is actually set, I have made that mistake before haha. SOmetimes I set it, but didnt finish..i left it in set mode...

  4. Try resetting it because your tamagotchi is suppose to hatch in five minutes.

  5. my hatched in 5 Min's try to do it again if that don't work take the battery out

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