
I ride a very fast, crotch rocket motorcycle, if the U.S. Congress passes the National 55MPH limit, what do I?

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my bike goes 55 mph at idle speed!

what is the use of owning a crotch rocket if you can only ride it at 55mph

do you think maybe they might make an exception and not include crotch rocket motorcycles to limit their speeds to 55?




  1. **** the law. go like h**l. if a cop tries to pull you over dont look back. stand up on the pegs pull a wheelie. dont stop. loose'em. But, make sure you know your excape route. take time to cruise tour turf. plan your ride. always know where to loose'em. rig your license plate so you can reach back flip switch or slide

    to cover plate. gl ride like you stole it. always wear helmet.

  2. sell it, violate the law or choose to stay within the speed limit....

    Good Luck

  3. If they pass the law then they are not going to exclude crotch rockets just because they have the ability to go fast.  You will just have to learn to slow down, besides, you shouldn't be going that fast (over 80 anyways) with other people on the road.  It is just way to dangerous; you don't know what other people are going to do.

  4. Get ready to slow down or get a 50 cc scooter so you can full throttle at all times while avoiding the big house

  5. you may want to relocate to Germany because of their higher speed limit.

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