
I ride in a western saddle and my stirrups are set at the same notch but my left one is about 2 inch's longer

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I ride in a western saddle and my stirrups are set at the same notch but my left one is about 2 inch's longer




  1. A LOT of times the stirrup leathers are not the same length. so dont worry about the holes. what you have to do is put them so that they look about the same length but stand in front of your horse and see if they look the same length. good luck and don't worry about the holes!!!

  2. Are you sitting straight in the saddle? Are the stirrups equal length (measured, not counting holes)? Are your legs the same length?

  3. Then set the left one at the next higher notch.  The reason that they're different lengths is because you use the left one when you mount.  Since you're putting all your weight in that one stirrup, it stretches out the leather.  I was going to say that you could even them out by switching the stirrups, but I think that's only possible on an english saddle.  So I guess you'll just have to shorten the left one.

  4. Is it a used saddle ? some will stretch  in time to who ever used it

    make sure you are sitting straight and then punch new holes in it to match your legs

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