
I rode my horse today!?

by  |  earlier

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Today was one of the best days that i have ridden my horse. I havent really ridden her for about a year. And she had it in her mind that when she wants to be done she is. But i made my own crop, and IT WORKED! I longed her with the longe whip i made. And when it came to riding, she stopped once, wouldnt move, and so i just tapped her on the butt and she moved! and she didnt stop again unless i had her. I even stopped her, backed up, and went foward again. Normally she will just stand there, and then try to bite me! IM soo proud of my little girl!

But my QUESTION IS!!! My crop is just a stick with a ribbon tyed to it. I am going trail riding soon. Since she did very well today, do you think that i will need to bring it with me? Or do you think she will be fine, i was told that before we bought her she was a trail horse. This would be my first time on a trail with her, and my first time trail riding ever! so im really excited!




  1. Bring the crop with you.  It's been a while since she was last on a trail.  She could get a little scared.

  2. :)

  3. You should bring it with you just in case. :)

    You never know what you might need on a trail!

    Have fun!

  4. Bring it with you.  If you don't need it, then you just had to carry something on your ride, but if you do need it, at least you'll have it.  Your first rides should be pretty short - she's been out of work for a year and is not in good enough shape for long or fast rides.

  5. The best thing to do is to bring you stick. You don't have to use it, but both you and her know its there if need be! She will be less likely to act up if you have it and you will be more in control!

    Congrats on her good behaviour =]

  6. i would because one time on a trail me and my friend trade horses thank god she had a crop cause(the horse was really good that day)  he got spoked and almost back me off a cliff into a shallow creek! but smack him hard so he would stop and go forward and not kill me!

  7. Okay, first of all, why haven't you ridden your horse in a year? No wonder she needs a crop. I wouldn't even think of going on a trail ride until you do some more ring work with her. Make sure she knows who is boss, and is responsive to you

  8. if u havent riddien her in a year i think it would be the best thing to do just incase she plays up

  9. You should rbing it just incase but she should be fine. Horses can be so unpredictable! Some of the answers are a little mean...I don't want to yes I think that is a fine way to make a crop. I would have had one...if my horse wasn't the kind that you slightly click or tap and she takes off at full speed! I learn to use my legs.....


    I mean one person was mean (I'm not saying names.) you'll be able to figure it out.

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