
I run 3-4 miles, 4-5 days/week & my achilles in both feet are hurting. What to do?

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I run 3-4 miles, 4-5 days/week & my achilles in both feet are hurting. What to do?




  1. Try resting for a while with your feet up. You could also put your feet in some warm water to relieve the aches and let the swelling go down.

  2. have someone to massage your feet fr a good 20 minutes & then go too sleep. When you wake up your feet will be feeling better ...

    Don't Worry ! ! !

  3. I would take a break until the achilles feel better.  You don't want to develop tendonitis because it can be really difficult to reverse.  If you are having that much pain, then I would think that you might be doing more work than your body can handle right now or that your work rate has accumulated stresses in your body that over time were not given quite enough rest and opportunity to recover.  

    I would definitely try some icing if I were you.  Icing reduces that inflammation that is making you body hurt.  Some professional athletes now days are taking full body ice baths after their workouts to aid in their recovery.  I would ice your achilles tendons for 15 minutes after a workout if they are hurting.  If you can stand it and if your entire feet and achilles are hurting, then I would really recommend doing an ice bath for your feet up to the point to just above where the achilles turns into the calf muscle.  I have done this before and I'm thinking that this would be an outstanding treatment for you given your described symptoms.  Get a bucket and fill with lots of ice and water and let your feet soak for around 15 minutes.  It will be really cold, but the hardest part by far is the first minute or two, then your feet start to numb up.  I really believe that it's important to let the body part that you're icing warm up before you use it again, especially if it's the achilles tendon.  Icing will make the tissue much less elastic and more prone to furthering the injury, especially in the achilles.  I've hurt my achilles this way but mine was much, much worse than yours.  If you're doing the ice bath, you could just use some warm but not hot water to rewarm your feet and achilles.

    You know when it comes to health, the #1 goal is longevity.  Take care of yourself and make sure that you're able to keep on truckin' for a long time to come.

  4. Rest a few days.



    ooO_(_ )_Ooo________________________________




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