
I run a 6min. 18sec. mile on the tredmill and im thinking about joing track?

by Guest61495  |  earlier

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is this good enough for a high school with 4,000 plus students?

btw im going into 11th grade




  1. you should be good. theres always the cross country team, also

  2. Have you been running?

    I would do it but i wouldnt expect much of anything if you wont push yourself under 5 minutes. I ran a 5:30 mile last year (w/asthma and after an injury) and our best runner runs a mile in 4:30, there are a bunch of runners that are better than me. And that's at a school of only 1,200. I'd join but dont expect greatness. Track is awesome and pretty much all of my friends do track. You should DEFINATELY join, but be prepared to push yourself if you join distance. I would join XC first and then see if you want to still do track, (XC is better)

  3. Yes you should join a club.

    My mate joined for 800m training and within two months he took off 30seconds.

  4. Usually, track and XC are "no-cut" sports. This means that you don't have to try out because they are individual competitions, so it's not a matter of whether or not you're good enough. You should join both with the goal of improving your times.

    Good luck!

  5. yes that's good but make sure you practice on a track because a treadmill can be very different. i think you should join though, and you can even run shorter runs if you wanted (like 400m or 800m)

  6. to tell you the truth you better shave atleast 45 secs off that time if u dont wanna be dissappionted every race.

  7. Its your decision, but personally I believe that your mile time is good, but necessarily good enough for joining track...

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