
I run a business in Melbourne and want a good security company?

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I am sick of the useless security guards and security companies that give me no help at all. The security officers cannot speak english and look like **** in their uniforms, putting off my customers. Does anyone know a professional security company that i can use.

There must be better than this out there. Where are the good security guards and security companies.




  1. Be prepared to spend significantly more money if you really want a better quality security officer. The reason most officers are the way they are is because most clients are always looking for the lowest price.

    As the old saying in the security industry goes: "Pay peanuts -- get monkeys..."

  2. With proper training(to understand the powers of arrest and their limitations) and financial incentives regular employees are just as good as security guards and security officers(most just observe and report) so the company can save money.  Most Private Patrol Operators (PPO) known as guard or security companies train people the least and buy the cheapest equipment.

    Do a Yahoo search by typing the name of a company+lawsuit; e.g. Securitas+Lawsuits, Inter-Con+Lawsuits, Golden West K-9+Lawsuits, Akal+Lawsuits.

    To know the dirty laundry of a PPO

    Another source:

    To ensure that you have the best comes at a high price with its benefits.  In-House security means decent pay and benefits that motivates people to enusure your company does not go out of business otherwise they would suffer.  The companies with the best are NOT global but regional that pay their people better than the top 3 global companies.

  3. Trouble with most security guards is that they are students or doing it because they cannot get better work.

    Corcom uses ex-military personnel to provide specialist professional security guards. This security company has been around since 1946 and all of its officers are full time experienced guards.

    Corcom also requires its security guards to pass 4 performance tests every year to stay working with them. Including a written test. No other security company does this.

    Inform your current security company that you need them to guarantee service and make them accountable.

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