
I run pretty slow and would like to run faster, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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health running




  1. It may sound really stupid but if you want to run fast, you have to run fast. It's called "specificity of training" and applies to all sports. There are no real shortcuts...

    Having said that, you shouldn't start speed training by running as fast as you can. You should run at various paces, sometimes faster sometimes slower, even during a single workout.

    It will feel really hard in the beginning, but eventually your body will adjust to new stresses. Just remember not to overdo it when you get injured. If you suffer a serious pain, reduce your mileage and don't do any speed workout for a few days until the pain disappears.

  2. Run fast in practice.

  3. run more often and try in short bursts to push yourself. Im not 100% sure thats the best way to do it, but that is how i got faster.

  4. ugh i dont know either, i'm running for volleyball so i don't get all sweaty and nasty during games and practices, but i can only run for about half a mile before i get tired. running sucks.

    in the beginning however i could run for a mile at a time but i was running at 4 miles an hour, after a while i boosted up to 4.6 and now i'm at about 6.1-6.3 mph. i can run about a half of a mile with my ipod in playing my fastest songs, but even then i'm winded.

    i'm pretty sure its just a matter of building up stamina. if you run for a few days at an easy pace you can slowly increase your speed until eventually you're running at a fast but comfortable pace. people all run at their own speeds, but if you're running for your health and not a sport i suggest that the amount of time is better than the speed. if you can jog for an hour it beats running for ten minutes. although your heart beats faster while running its beating faster for a shorter amount of time.

    remember, time is always better than speed for health running (:

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