
I said "private Parts" and got in trouble with Y/A. ??????

by  |  earlier

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I can't even believe that I am this mad about something like this...but what?????????? I said " private parts". I answer sincerely every time I get on here, and I'm going to get in trouble for that?





  1. That's pathetic, if people do not have anything better to do then to pick at something as small as that, then they seriously need a better pass time.  Trust me, I've seen worse on Yahoo Answers, so I don't know why saying "private parts" would be much of an issue.

    OoOoOoO what they gonna do come arrest you in the night?

    Stupid people - don't worry about it, hun. : )

  2. who knows when it comes to the internet?

  3. That really is bs.  One time a person was slamming the United Staes and our troops and I responded.  Well evidently I offended this person and they complained to YAHOO.  They told me it was against their c**p guidelines, I tried to to fight my case and still lost.

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