
I said something stupid to a kid I'm about to babysit...HELP!?

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So I'm about to babysit my manager's kids and I was kidding around and said to her five year old...i'm going to kill you. I was just try to make her laugh and feel more comfortable before I babysit her and her little sister...which wasn't the smartest thing to say. The manager knows I was kidding but now I'm afraid because the little girl took it literally. Any help? Also any tips to warming up to kids?




  1. You say sorry, bribe them with cookies and candy. Make them colour for hours, read to them so they forget all about it.

    Hey, I said "F*ck you" to my 7-year old cousin a month ago. Whoops. I'm a horrible influence, whatever. Then she complimented my Nutella spreading on her sandwhich. She hasn't mentioned it since.

  2. you could try to be as nice as you can maybe play games ,take her to the park and just spoil her but only till she gets more used to you

  3. You should just talk to her and tell her you where just joking around..

    Tips: Have fun activitites planned. Like movies they want to watch. And have yummy snacks.. :)

  4. just tell her that you were wrong and it wasnt very nice to say that and you promise never to do it again.  kids can tell if you are being genuine, so just be yourself.  they will warm up.

  5. You thought that telling her you were going to kill would make her feel MORE comfortable around her?  

  6. Play with them, don't threaten to kill them.

  7. they usaly forget but if she doesnt tell her you were joking and that you would never do that and never ever threaten a kid because there parents might not let you baby sit them again. if the kid gets upset.

  8. she's five. tell her yu were joking. she'll hav 4gttn in a few days anyway.  

  9. Tell the kid you were just kidding and that you would never do that. Have the parents talk to the kid. Tell them some jokes.

  10. When you see her tell her you didn't mean that.  Just tell her you were joking and it was a mistake to say that.  Then move on, ask what they would like to do this afternoon or what their favorite toys are.  Start asking questions and she will forget all about it.  

  11. If the kid took you seriously you should sit her down and explain to her that you were kidding. Young kids tend to take things more literally, and some are very afraid of anything to do with death (my little sister gets very frightened if you just mention the subject). If you're joking around with a young kid you could just make silly sounds or funny faces or just smile and act very friendly and interested in whatever they are doing. Just relax and be comfortable and the kid will relax as well. =)

  12. it is better to keep work and your private life separate because of things like this. dont worry about what you said when you see her next just play a game  or read a book to take her mind off it and she will soon forget

  13. Go up to her and grab her(Im being serious) and put her over your shoulder.

    Then if she freaks out put her down.

    say something like:

    "Well, what's wrong? It's not like I'm going to kill you!" say laughing in a normal way

    Then if she says which she will:

    But you said to me you would!

    Then say you were kidding around and give her some popcorn!

    Do it when the manegar is gone!

  14. Well...

    You should just warm up to the kids to make them feel comfortable.

    Have movies, snacks, games, and lots of activities planned. Don't let them get bored!!!

    Good Luck!!!

  15. Talk to the five year old in a way a five year old would understand

    for example- im sorry i didnt mean to scare you or hurt your feelings i was just playing around.  And then do something nice for them like bake them cookies,take them to the park or something like that.

    Hope i helped

  16. Oh, lordie -- I'll tell you this, if I ever heard a babysitter say that to my kids I might laugh it off but I'd NEVER ask her to sit again.

    Remember to talk in G-ratings to the kid: Nothing about killing, guns, fighting, gangs (I actually had a sitter try to teach my son a gang sign just because she thought it was cute) monsters, etc. Read one of the child's favorite books so that you can see what his/her interests are and then just play games based upon that book using favorite stuffed animals and other favorite toys. Don't watch tv with the kid as a sign of "good babysitting" for the parents (babysitters who use the TV to entertain my kid go on my "never again" list, too). Sing kids songs and LISTEN to the child.

    Laugh a lot and be silly, even if you might feel embarrassed.

    Hopefully it's a lesson learned -- it's not your fault, you don't have kids yet and you have to remember that with kids it's not about being "cool" and "funny" but more nurturing and warm (even if it's corny)

    As for the people who say to talk to the kid -- at that age I think it's best to just forget it unless the kid brings it up. Otherwise you're just reinforcing the memory of the "scary words".

    Good luck!

  17. well... now you have to kill her.

  18. Are you sure it was the statement that frightened her?  Or is it just being with someone new?

    If she is really scared of what you said, all you can do is slowly gain her trust.

    Keep her and her sister together at all times...this should help her feel more secure.  

    I would go easy on her...meaning talking quietly...slow movements so she can relax.  As much as you would like to be a "buddy" to her, she may not respond well to any physical play, (tickling) chasing or any loud voices.

    By the second time you babysit she should be far more comfortable and you guys will have more fun.

  19. explain to her you were just joking and that you would truely never hurt her.

  20. just sit the child down and let her know u were joking, bring up a familiar cartoon character and say oh remember when spongebob said this, he really didnt mean it, make light of it, and speak her language, if u make it too serious shes going to get nervous all over again!!! good luck!!!

  21. ok this wont help bt 2morrow you will laugh about this. I would say that the kid knows your joking so dont worry about it, dont make an over enthusiastic attempt to make it up 2 her, pretend it didnt happen. Your boss knows you were joking.

  22. just turn it into :

    " i meant tickle you to death "

  23. Bring some old toys or others things that you don't care about that they can keep. Also (with the parents permission) Give them a little candy, but not if its late at night.. you don't want kids going crazy!

    Ask her what her interests are, and maybe play some games involving it. Also, If you are babysitting a little late, and they are suposed to be asleep when your manager gets home, and they refuse to go to bed, try putting them in front of the TV and have them relax and hopefully fall asleep!

  24. I tell my kid that all the time. Just make sure not to really do it.  

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