
I saw Russian Planes flying over my house?

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Today i saw russian planes flying over my house.

I live in New York i am not sure why. Anyone know?




  1. ya right.dude go waste someone else's time

  2. Great way to deliver a bomb, if you were so inclined  

  3. It depends on the planes you saw. There are some historical air clubs which fly Russian planes. There are US companies which have bought Russian planes. The US government contracted companies using Russian-built planes to haul cargo to the Middle East.

    This is the new world order. If you take the neo-con view, the US military is a tool to world domination. Otherwise, you will live in a new world where our refuelers are not built in this country. We have  a contract to replace the helicopters which transport the president and carry support equipment (These aircraft are assigned to HMX-1) to replce the aircraft with foreign-built helicopters.

  4. lay off the whisky ya bum

  5. Maybe they are for a movie or airshow.

  6. How do you know they're Russians? Maybe the U.S. bought/ made a few to test out their capabilities.  

  7. I have no idea why you live in New York.  I don't live there.

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