
I saw a black wing bug I thought it was a big fly but it had what looked like a bumble bee body??

by Guest64441  |  earlier

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I saw a black wing bug I thought it was a big fly but it had what looked like a bumble bee body??




  1. yes

  2. I don't understand what the heck you are saying!

  3. they kill people

  4. its a bumble bee...I didn't realize how much the look like giant flies until I fished a few out of my pool last year.

  5. Whats the question. good job for you u saw a bug.

  6. thats a horsefly.

  7. It is hard to identify what insect you saw without a picture.  There are hundreds of black-winged bugs, and many insects imitate the appearance of other, more dangerous insects, to escape being eaten by a predator.  You might have actually seen a bumblebee.  They come in different sizes.  Below are a couple of pictures of these moths.  

    You may have also seen a Snowberry Clearwing moth, also known as a Hummingbird Clearwing moth.  They resemble bumblebees.  Below is a picture of one these moths too.  I hope this helps.

  8. I think its a horsefly. They can get really big around 1 inch to 1 and 1/2 inches long and very creepy. Careful they r atrracted to animals and will suck their blood so try to kill it or stay away from it. Its easy to kill them just slap them and step on them and they die. I am surrounded by them on my farm with my horses.


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