
I saw a horse today, and I remembered...

by  |  earlier

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He always knew

when it was Christmas Eve.

It was in the way he walked, the way

he looked at you when you put your hand

on his neck

and told him he was a good ol’ boy.

He would nuzzle

your shoulder just a little bit harder

and see things just a little bit better.

His coat was always

whiter and brighter

on Christmas Eve.

He also stood

much higher, towering over you,

waiting for his ride.

Everything looked and felt

just a little bit different on those Christmas Eve’s

long ago and that old white horse knew it,

and when you called him out

and said “Come on Blizzard,

let’s go on a ride” he would make

that unmistakable horse sound,

a low whinny that was soft and excited

and strangely human.

The other horse usually knew something

was happening,

but he didn’t know it like Blizzard knew it.

He was just along

for the ride,

happy to be part of the group.

My father told me that Blizzard

knew what day it was, the eve of the birth

of Christ,

and as a child, I just accepted that

and never

doubted it and to this day

I still





  1. beautiful...i remember the past, and it makes me look forward to the future....thanks...

  2. Excuse me Mr Buk, sir!

    I have a fine patch of rhubarb at the bottom of my garden.

    Do you think Blizzard will poo in this bucket for me?


  3. This is your best yet, Buk.

    It was bittersweet.

    Thanks and keep 'em coming.

    ♪Thanks for the memories♫

  4. Absolutely beautiful...brings back so many memories.  Thanks for this.

  5. That should be a children's book. I am an artist along with all my pals.....why not get it published?!

  6. I do remember...I do believe!  Love honey

  7. There is something about Christmas Eve.  A Cessna flying overhead might really be Santa and his reindeer.  You can't be sure.

  8. Animals just know,ty for the poem and may god bless you.

  9. Nice memory from your past.

    I, too, have been remembering the past today. What triggers these latent memories on this day, of all days? Is it the Summer of our Remembrances?  

  10. Okay, I'm crying....

    You may never, in fact, have been raised around horses....but your ability to make US believe you did is phenomenal.  As Benn said, you took us there, we felt it, and now I, too, know Blizzard, who stood tall and KNEW!

    You know I believe!


  11. Yes i see a horse and i remember the summers i had so much fun riding.Its good to remember the good things in    the past. Thanks ..

  12. good story of a child that loves the birth of Christ. loved that one very much. the horse and all animals know before we do when things happen. thanks for sharing

  13. You are the man, bro! I just read a quote about living a good life so we can live it a second time when we get old and look back. May yours be the best! peace

  14. Nice. I could almost feel the soft nose of the horse I had in my teens when I was reading that.

  15. I am beyond words...

    Thank you.

  16. Without trying to match your eloquence and articulate ways...

    I will always and continue to believe...

  17. A great story, with genuine humanity, or is that equinity?

  18. Another home run, brother man.  I grew up in a city.  No horses,

    no big red barn.  Right now, I want to move to the country,

    so my children will have memories like that to draw from.

    Well done.  Very well done.

  19. It is very very nice not sad at all. Yes I remember the past,most of it anyway.  

  20. Simply beautiful dear boy. TY for making me remember the good things. ♥

  21. I can't stop reading this one, man you are so good.

    You steal my time with your words, they wont let me escape.

    Thanks Buk, I love it..

  22. i know meatsa....i know....

  23. What an excellent Poem !!!,,A Poem which made me feel as though I was actually there with Blizzard in the cold crisp air,, the crunching of snow on the ground The sounds of Blizzard and other horses,,,,,,  WoW!!!,,,,,,You made it feel real,,, Well Done Sir,,,Well Done,,,,,And believe,,, yes I do

  24. A few years back used live in Idaho! One year around Christmas time we went to this auction and bought  3 horses. We used to ride bare back and we would feel the crunch on the horses back as the chill of the snow would melt on the horses back and then freeze again!!Ahhh Memories, thanks for that !!Cheers

  25. Wow! does that ever make me nostalgic and long for that better time. We didn't have as many conveniences, had to physically work harder, had to use a little more common sense. Families actually interacted and talked. They didn't "Need" TV, Radio, phones were basically necessities, and not toys. Gas was cheaper, groceries cheaper, cars cheaper, money was scarcer, but went farther. I sure miss them 'Good old days."

    Thanks for a trip down memory lane.

  26. Being the animal lover that I am it touched my heart and drew me back to my own childhood. Yes, I always remember the good and touching moments of my life and so many involve my sweet pets long gone. . They're etched in my heart always. As for Blizzard, I'm not surprised. Did you forget that the animals talk on Christmas Eve?..Shhh. that's the time to listen...  

  27. i love animals, much more than people, i have to admit. i can smell blizzard, and hear him. it sorta gives me shivers. *edit*in a good way.

  28. ~~Aloha and Thank-You for the HUGE tug at my heart...growing up I used to ride my Dapple-Grey Arabian (Jude) every day of our Christmas Break frrom really took me back to those Crisp Quiet Winter days when it was just him and I enjoying the Beauty surrounding us as we rode in the perfect clean mountain I wish my kids could be raised in such a Simple Beautiful Time.~~Again,T/Y Michelle~~

  29. Thatsa my kinda poem. Well drawn images, a beginning, a conclusion, and a good story in between. Well done sir.

  30. All kidding aside Buk, the imagery that springs forth is as crystal clear in my mind as though I had been standing there. I can feel the chill of my toes, the crunch of the snow, see the white of exhaled breath. Both Blizzard's and a boy's.

    Well done sir, well done.

  31. Our old horse was named Smokey...he was dapple grey in the summer, nearly white in the winter. He always made sure we got home. He loved Kool-aid. We put it in a pail of water. He was in single harness; didn't get along well with others. Never let us down. Thanks for the memories.

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